The Wanderers

Fiction - Adventure
112 Pages
Reviewed on 01/16/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Barbara Garcia for Readers' Favorite

The Wanderers by Philip Beers centers around three friends, Rob, Jack, and Billy. Rob, as a part of his job duties, disposes of government property that is no longer needed, or is damaged beyond reasonable repair. He has uncovered a scheme to prematurely retire vehicles so they can be bought up cheaply and sold at a high price. Rob believes his supervisor, Tony, is one of the culprits, but must hack into his computer system to find the evidence. Rob also believes his friend Billy, a good mechanic, could really help him determine how Tony is pulling off making new vehicles barely 6 months old seem to cease already. Jack decides Tanya, Tony's secretary, just might be the one person that can help get Billy on the inside. Tanya, none the wiser, introduces Billy to Michael, the Commissioner, and through feminine wiles, get him hired. With Billy on the inside, Jack quickly discovers that Jock, the head mechanic, has been placing little blocks of wood beneath the pistons to make it appear as if the engines had died on the cars. Meanwhile, Rob has managed to crack Tony's passwords and he's gotten the evidence of his dirty dealings. With one murder already to their credit, and Rob and Billy now trapped in the mechanics shop with Tony, Jock, and Zoran, things are not looking good for these amateur sleuths.

The Wanderer is a warmhearted and entertaining story. I liked the flow of it, and that it didn't get too mired down in unnecessary details. Author Philip Beers did a good job of presenting his characters. I got a good sense of who they were and I actually liked them. I found myself cheering for them in their quest to uncover the corruption. The camaraderie of the three friends was easy and never felt forced, and their light banter made me smile. This is a short read, but it will definitely grab your attention and keep it until the end.