The Witch of Brentwood

Curse of Whitlock Manor

Fiction - Supernatural
301 Pages
Reviewed on 08/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Despite the travails they have endured in the last couple of years, the bond between the Whitlock twins remains unbreakable. Isabell and Alexander now have families of their own. The move to Brentwood favors them as their rapid change in fortunes necessitates the building of Whitlock Manor, an imposing home housing the twins' spouses and children. Isabell hopes that the manor will help them to forget the horrors of their past and start afresh. A slew of mysterious murders and her insistence on using a particular room in the house to hone her craft precipitate a series of events that will test those bonds in Réal Carpentier's The Witch Of Brentwood: Curse of Whitlock Manor.

Romance meets horror in Réal Carpentier's The Witch Of Brentwood. Carpentier progressively builds up the suspense in the intricate relationship between Isabell and her brother, Alexander. He uses a series of cryptic references to hint at several unexplained events surrounding the siblings to immerse readers in the narrative. The narrative style is rhythmic, using language synonymous with 17th and 18th-century literature to create a perfect impression of Brentwood as a small town with secrets waiting for readers to unlock. The pace picks up as the narrative progresses, then drops off sharply whenever a paranormal event occurs. Carpentier effectively marries that tempo with the narrative style to create a series of unsettling encounters that jump out at readers without warning, providing the perfect scare that horror genre enthusiasts enjoy. What stands out in this captivating novel is a narrative with equal amounts of suspense and gore. Readers can decide if Isabell's moniker fits her when they analyze the repercussions of her actions. The Witch Of Brentwood is a thought-provoking tale that mystery enthusiasts will thoroughly enjoy.