They Were All Loyal

Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
328 Pages
Reviewed on 10/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

They Were All Loyal is a political thriller fantasy by Melissa Irene Burrowes. James Tresser, the prime minister of Sarrilla, receives an unexpected call from Emperor Li Shang of the nation of Longguo. With an ongoing cold war between the two countries, Emperor Li proposes a peace meeting in Sarrilla. However, Li has plans of his own, which are overheard by Filbert the squirrel and Esther the cat. Despite Esther and Filbert's warnings, in a shocking betrayal, Tresser, his secretary Susan, and journalists Samantha and Dave soon find themselves taken captive by Li's men and brought to Longgtuol. Meanwhile, Li believes in an ancient prophecy proclaiming Esther as a legend to bring prosperity to Longgtuo. With Li hell-bent on conquering the world, can Tresser and his friends stop him from acting upon his nefarious plans of domination?

A fascinating combination of espionage, political intrigue, and fantastical elements make They Were All Loyal a joy to read from start to finish. Keeping an easygoing pace to the narrative, Melissa Irene Burrowes tells an absorbing story that draws inspiration from real-life geopolitical scenarios and is layered with mystery, suspense, and thrilling moments galore. The plot is very unpredictable, and at no point in the story can you tell for sure what's going to happen next. The cast of characters is large, but Burrowes gives each of them distinctive personality traits and character arcs that leave an impression on the reader. Tresser, Shui, Esther, Filbert, Stanley, and Whitmore were my favorite characters of the bunch. I genuinely liked the ending and felt it tied up all the plot threads in a satisfying manner. If you enjoy political drama with a dash of fantasy, this is the perfect book for you!