Things We Did in Texas After the Zombie Apocalypse

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
66 Pages
Reviewed on 01/05/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Cheryl Schopen for Readers' Favorite

Things We Did in Texas After the Zombie Apocalypse by Ken Burgess is the latest take on the zombie craze that has been flooding our most recent pop culture. In this short story, we follow Ken and Travis, two friends who met after the zombie apocalypse. Joining them on their little adventure in Texas is a zombie named Zed. Zed is not your ordinary zombie. For one thing, he talks. It may take him two hours to finish a sentence, but he can communicate with the living, which is more than I can say for most zombies I’ve seen and read about. As these three continue on their journey, we see that Zed may have some secrets and plans of his own.

From the comic book style cover to the humorous way of looking at a zombie apocalypse, Ken Burgess instantly draws readers into the unique world of Things We Did in Texas After the Zombie Apocalypse. Don’t get me wrong. It had its usual gore and violence that every zombie book must have, but Burgess has a way of making you laugh at what is happening instead of being terrified and wanting to cringe. It had me smiling and laughing the whole time. Incorporating Michael Jackson’s Thriller was classic! There aren’t words to describe how much I enjoyed that part and the rest of this fantastic book. Since this is the first in a series of short stories, it ends with a cliffhanger. I will definitely be checking out the rest to see what happens to Ken, Travis, and my new favorite zombie.