This is Not a Vampire Story

Fiction - LGBTQ
336 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

This is Not a Vampire Story by Simon Doyle is an LGBTQ novel centered around seventeen-year-old Victor Callahan, who works as a night porter in a quiet Irish nursing home. Victor orchestrates a reunion for a group of older men who have profoundly influenced his life, seeking to offer them a final farewell. As he reflects on his memories of wild adventures and forbidden love, he must keep his ancient secret hidden from Lakeshore Manor's oldest resident, James O'Carroll. The story explores timeless bonds, the price of immortality, and the sacrifices made for love. The exploration of these bonds and the impact of past relationships is rich and poignant with a beautifully pitched LGBTQ+ message about love at its heart. The novel thoughtfully addresses themes of mortality, love, and sacrifice, challenging readers to contemplate what is truly important in life through Victor’s deeply felt nostalgia and longing, elevating the narrative beyond a simple coming-of-age story.

Author Simon Doyle offers an incredible and touching tale of love and loss, drawing readers into Victor’s emotional journey from the first moment of meeting this enigmatic protagonist. Doyle’s choice to weave together present-day interactions with Victor's reflective memories allows for a nuanced storytelling style, and it’s clear from the confident narrative flow that this is an author who knows every facet of his story and his characters’ lives. The structure enriches both the plot and the tension of discovering new things as it flows, enabling readers to gradually discover Victor’s secrets and the powerful emotional significance of his past. The serene yet haunting backdrop of the Irish nursing home is vividly depicted, enhancing the story's mood at every turn with both beauty and tragedy firmly in play. Overall, This is Not a Vampire Story is a heart-wrenching work that will impress fans of deep, nostalgic dramas, and I cannot recommend it enough.