
Sense Thieves

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
304 Pages
Reviewed on 02/16/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tamera Lawrence for Readers' Favorite

Remy O’Malley has a special gift. The seventeen year old can heal people’s injuries with her magical touch. But even though she has this uncanny ability, her own life is broken and flawed from years of abuse at the hands of her stepfather, who beats Remy’s mother on a regular basis. After one particular beating aimed at Remy, the teen’s father comes to her reluctant rescue, forcing her to live with him and his new family. With the seed of hope in her heart, Remy becomes an unwilling house guest, already surmising rejection by her new found family, who seem too good to be true. But her life takes an unexpected turn when she meets Asher Blackwell on the beach, and she finds he has a special gift of his own. Even as Remy’s stepsister warns her away from Asher, Remy can’t help but be attracted to the bad boy and the sparks begin to fly. But can they really overcome the age-old obstacles standing in their way between healer and protector?

"Touched" by Corrine Jackson is a riveting read that grabbed my attention from page one and held it for the remainder of the novel. Remy is a unique character filled with charisma and you are naturally drawn to her many facets and her healing touch. Equally compelling is Asher Blackwell and the way the writer brings this special pair together. "Touched" is a great book by a talented author.

Anne Boling

Remy lived in an abusive home. Her step-father, Dean, enjoyed inflicting pain. For years he beat Anna, Remy’s mother. Remy tried to protect her mother causing him to turn his rage to her. Remy had a special gift; she was able to heal with her touch but it came at a price: she took on the injuries of the one she healed. Remy’s mother seemed to not only accept the abuse but to expect it. She stood by allowing Dean to repeatedly beat and burn Remy. Events led to Remy moving in with her biological father Ben and his family. Asher Blackwell has the reputation of a bad-boy. Although Remy attempts to avoid him as much as possible they seem drawn to each other. Both Remy and Asher have a secret; however, before sharing they must learn to trust.

Corrine Jackson offers readers a combination of paranormal, romance, and thriller in "Touched: Sense Thieves". I am usually a fast reader but here I read slowly to savor the superb story of this book. The characters are exquisitely conceived and developed. Remy is an incredibly strong young woman; her character is interesting and easy to like. Asher comes across as a delightful character, almost a knight in shining armor wanting to protect the lady even if she doesn’t think she needs protection. Secondary characters, Lucy, Ben, and Gabe, are endearing. I’d like to see more of them in future books. Corrine Jackson is a talented author. Her descriptions made the scenes come to life and her characters marched off the page and into my heart. The plot is relevant to young adults because of its frank discussion of domestic abuse. This is the first book in a new series. I eagerly await the next installment.