Trauma Recovery Workbook for Teens

Exercises to Process Emotions, Manage Symptoms and Promote Healing

Non-Fiction - Self Help
184 Pages
Reviewed on 06/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Trauma Recovery Workbook for Teens: Exercises to Process Emotions, Manage Symptoms, and Promote Healing is a remarkable and must-have book. Deborah Vinall, PsyD, LMFT offers the best guidance and tools to help teens heal from traumatic life experiences, make therapy more effective, and develop healthy coping skills to manage and reduce their stress and anxiety. This book helps them understand the truth about trauma and shows them how to address their trauma, take back control, develop resilience, navigate their social world, and embrace their future. It explores the types of trauma and how trauma impacts them. This book shows the reader how to move through their painful and negative emotions, thoughts, feelings, and memories about what happened and heal. Most importantly, it helps them better understand their emotions, overcome blame, guilt, or shame, and understand the importance of self-compassion in healing.

Trauma Recovery Workbook for Teens is the ultimate mental health book on how to heal from trauma, build your resilience, avoid self-destructive behaviors, overcome negative self-talk, recognize your triggers, and reestablish your sense of safety, hope, and purpose. With compassion and gentle guidance, Deborah Vinall makes you feel no longer alone, seen, or validated. This author's empathetic tone assures teens that healing is possible and that they are much more than what happened to them. It is for teens aged 12 to 16 and anyone, no matter their age, who has experienced one or many kinds of trauma and wants to become empowered to finally move toward facing and healing from the horrible things they've experienced and building satisfying relationships and a sense of direction and purpose. I highly recommend it.