Treasure Hunt

Fiction - Action
165 Pages
Reviewed on 07/10/2011
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Author Biography

J. H. Bográn, born and raised in Honduras, is the son of a journalist; he ironically prefers to write fiction rather than fact. José is the author of TREASURE HUNT, the first in the series of a professional thief that goes by the handle of The Falcon.

Other works include short stories THE OUTPOST and LOVE ME TWO TIMES, published by Red Rose Publishing. The novel HEREDERO DEL MAL, is a thriller published by Editorial Letra Negra.
He’s a contributor editor to The Big Thrill magazine; co-screenwriter for two TV serials and writes movie reviews for Honduran newspaper La Prensa.

He’s a member of the International Thriller Writers, Epic, Red Room and Backspace.


    Book Review

Reviewed by Brenda Ballard for Readers' Favorite

J. H. Bográn spins an exciting, multi-level thriller in which pilot Bill Porter, a widower with a child, loses everything that he loves in his downward alcoholic spiral. Devising a plan to hijack a plane, he starts a series of events that affect many lives: the FBI agent whose career will never be the same after that day; the daughter who has visited him in prison through the years, but is now an adult in the land her mom was originally from; the cellmate who devises a plan to find Bill's hidden loot from the heist; the thief who has been paid to recover it for Bill. These lives intersect as the Treasure Hunt comes to a close.

This is a real page-turner! The characters are believable; the author's astute attention to detail brings the reader into the story, captivated by each new chapter. There are a few editing points that would make it perfect, but only a very few and nothing that really would change the context. The journey of this tale is what brings the whole story to life! The characters, each unique, play a defined role in bringing the whole plot together. I was astonished, amused and felt closure as I reached the epilogue. I would highly recommend this author to anyone who enjoys a geographically relevant thriller. Make sure you have a block of time because you will not be able to put this one down once you start!