Truth and Evil

A Historical Fiction Novelette Set During WW2

Christian - Historical Fiction
66 Pages
Reviewed on 08/18/2024
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Author Biography

G. Edward Martin is a three-time award-winning indie author based out of Nashville, TN. Martin writes in a wide variety of different genres including: literary fiction, historical fiction, mystery, short stories, allegories, contemporary, comedy, science fiction, and more. All of Martin's writing fit beneath a larger umbrella of "philosophical fiction"-- using the art of storytelling to explore the most difficult questions related to life, reality, morality, and our pursuit of purpose. Despite the difficult subjects that Martin explores, each story is written in an easily-flowing and conversational style that equates to a one-on-one with the reader.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Truth and Evil by G. Edward Martin is a gripping work of historical fiction set during World War II, weaving together themes of morality and redemption. It follows a German soldier who, after committing a grave sin, finds himself in a celestial confrontation with God. He is sent back in time multiple times to confront his actions and the pervasive evil around him. Throughout repeated scenarios of horror and redemption, he grapples with profound questions of truth, facing the darkness within humanity and the potential for divine courage. Ultimately, his journey not only transforms his soul but also ignites hope and motivation in others to renounce their destructive paths and seek a more virtuous life.

Truth and Evil is a captivating story that explores the moral complexities we face daily, emphasizing the struggle to understand truth and morality amid chaos. The soldier's journey demonstrates the power of God's presence within us and the need to trust it in our decision-making. His redemption arc reminded me of Saul who became Paul after Jesus had confronted him about persecuting his people. The cloth in his pocket serves as a poignant reminder of his soul, growing increasingly dirty as he strays down a path of wrongdoing. This symbolizes how each malicious act stains not only the fabric but also his conscience, illustrating the profound impact of moral choices on one's innocence and character. The narrative delves into dark themes, intended for a mature audience, reflecting on humanity's dual capacity for good and evil. Some readers may find certain scenes triggering. Despite this, Truth and Evil is worth the read as it will inspire readers to stand up for truth and be compassionate to others.