Truth Is Indestructible

A Husband Reacts to Hidden Crimes

Non-Fiction - Memoir
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/31/2022
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Author Biography

Stuart Nagero was born in the United Kingdom. He earned a doctorate from a British university and he is an Overseas Citizen of India.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Manik Chaturmutha for Readers' Favorite

Stuart Nagero’s Truth is Indestructible is a non-fiction memoir chronicling horrifying experiences in his wife’s life and his reactions to them. The author‘s wife, Vidhi, belongs to an orthodox Indian household. Her world turns upside down when her cousin, much older than her, begins to molest her as a child. Much later in life, Nagero is introduced to his wife’s trauma and finds out why she could never seek help. Her family never allowed this “secret” to come out because they were occupied with creating a facade that society could never question. As she finally opens up and begins her journey of recovery, Vidhi and her husband attempt to seek justice in a community that doesn’t take child abuse seriously; justice not just through the law but by sharing their journey with the entire world.

Stuart Nagero’s writing is haunting and palpable, and always honest. It is clear that he writes from a space of deep personal understanding and experience of the subject matter. The writing is not explicit in the description of abuse except for a few places where its inclusion is necessary. However, the emotion of the story has been conveyed directly and precisely. Nothing is added to soften the impact of the tragedy in Vidhi’s life; every word is hard-hitting and thought-provoking. In the span of a mere 52 pages, the author recounts his wife’s experience and the effect it had on him as an outsider. In addition to that, the book is educational about the state of child abuse in countries like India; it is also a motivating voice. It is a narrative that asks for justice, recognition of pain and awareness about abuse. It is daring and, at the same time, sensitive. Readers of all genres, especially those with an interest in true stories of life and survival, should read this story.