Two Dead Billionaires

Fiction - Mystery - General
375 Pages
Reviewed on 05/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

It was Detective Hekla Rafney of Iceland’s National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) first murder investigation and nothing could have prepared her for this. The gruesome murder of an American billionaire in one of Iceland’s high-end tourist hotels, with his slit throat stuffed with a couple of dollars, euros, and Icelandic Kronur notes. Everything about the case seemed off. Both the embassy and her superiors suspected Aldis Eva, a radical journalist and government critic, of the murder. But things only got messier when, shortly after Eva’s arrest, another Icelandic billionaire died the same way as his American colleague. In a bid to solve the murders, Hekla is obliged to pair up with unlikely contacts as she treads a dangerous path to expose evil powerful people. Find out more in Luke Patrick Sheldon’s Two Dead Billionaires.

Luke Patrick Sheldon’s Two Dead Billionaires is a must-read for lovers of mystery murder and crime novels. Featuring an intriguing cast, Sheldon colorfully brings the scenes to life with evocative depictions, dropping me right in the middle of the action in the snowy streets. Sheldon spins the storyline in a tangled web of mystery, weaving an ingenious plot in a gripping tale of love, betrayal, vengeance, guilt, blackmail, murder, crime, sleuths, assassins, and so much more. The subtle tone of the storyline and the mind-blowing plot twists had me on the edge of my seat. Just when I thought I had solved part of the mystery, the story quickly picked up pace in another direction as a new puzzle developed, leaving me looking for answers. Sheldon depicts the cast's intricate emotions, allowing me to connect with them. There is drama, action, thrills, adventure, wit, and more in this amazing page-turner. It is a magnificent piece of work and I loved it.