
Sentient Stars

Fiction - Science Fiction
381 Pages
Reviewed on 09/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Umbra is the first book in the Sentient Stars trilogy series by Amber Toro. An intergalactic space opera that will keep you on the edge of your seats, the story is set in a time when Earth is a thing of the past. Now, the humans are part of twelve tribes allied under the United Tribal Axis. Our story begins with Skylar, who wanted peace after leaving the Navy, but it was not in the cards for her. With her ship falling victim to a virus, Skylar was in a conflict she never wanted. Freyja was an admiral, and while she took pride in her duty, she was tired of taking orders from higher-ups who only served themselves. However, things changed when she became part of a battle and had to clear her name before it was too late. Lastly, we have Hinata, who was exiled for a past he was hiding from and wanted things involved in the conflict. What would happen when their paths would collide?

Fast-paced, richly detailed, and beautifully executed, Umbra by Amber Toro is the classic science fiction novel that readers are frantically seeking. The world-building was phenomenal and incredible in a way that makes it unique in the genre. The characters were well-thought-out, well-developed, and given every opportunity to share their story to form a connection. The multiple POVs created a very immersive read that I enjoyed thoroughly. There was never a moment in the story when I felt lost. I enjoyed Skylar’s POV the most; she was fierce, headstrong, and exciting. Hinata was a treat as well; I enjoyed his tenacity and desire to clear his name. What I loved the most about Freyja was her ability to focus on the most terrifying situations and make the best of what she had. In other words, she was resourceful and knew what she was capable of achieving. The three of them created an entertaining story that I loved and enjoyed more than I imagined. I cannot wait to see what happens next.