Undone: A Novel of Betrayal

Fiction - Womens
316 Pages
Reviewed on 07/04/2024
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Author Biography

Paula Stahel is a Tampa-based writer and editor who has worked primarily in non-fiction and memoir for decades. Undone: A Novel of Betrayal is her debut work of fiction.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Undone: A Novel of Betrayal by Paula Stahel is a heartbreaking and profoundly satisfying story. It's about a woman who discovers her husband leads a double life. It follows Lydia Casselberry as she takes some time apart from her charming yet cheating husband. Humiliated and angry, Lydia leaves everything behind after 37 years of marriage. She must decide whether to forgive or get a divorce. Lydia no longer knows who she is or what to do. Yet she does want to find out who the other woman is. Far away from her home and between tears and memories, Lydia is about to discover what else her husband's been hiding from her and for how long he's been cheating on her. Shortly after, her discoveries will help her make the right decision. Will Lydia forgive or get revenge on her lying, cheating husband?

Undone is a well-written and utterly absorbing novel about one woman's journey from heartbreak to triumph over betrayal and infidelity. Paula Stahel deftly illustrates the devastation of betrayal, the need for support and friendship, and the importance of rediscovering yourself and taking second chances in life and love. This is not a story to read while thinking the protagonist should be less ruthless in her revenge plan against her cheating husband. I couldn't have loved it more or read it fast enough. Sometimes, it's satisfyingly funny, and often suspenseful, emotionally intense, and descriptive. Undone is a must-read for anyone looking for an unforgettable novel about betrayal, infidelity, and revenge while containing valuable life lessons. I highly recommend it.