Unlocking Kabbalah

A New Synthesis of Astrology, Tarot, and the Tree of Life

Non-Fiction - New Age
248 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Unlocking Kabbalah: A New Synthesis of Astrology, Tarot, and the Tree of Life is a work of non-fiction in the New Age, self-help, and holistic philosophy genres. Penned by author Thomas Weems, this fascinating work reinterprets the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, suggesting its current form is a twist on a much older and more rewarding design. By rearranging it, Weems reveals a more logical and intuitive structure, showing a map of reality that aligns with the zodiac and ancient astrology's seven traditional planets. This book breathes new life into the paths and Sephiroth of the Tree, integrating insights from Tarot, psychology, magic, and the Law of Attraction. It makes Kabbalah accessible and vivid, offering a compelling and understandable cosmic blueprint of human experience.

Author Thomas Weems has a clear enthusiasm and passion for his subject matter, helping him craft a fascinating and enlightening journey into the depths of mysticism and philosophical knowledge. Weems' reimagining of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life provided a fresh perspective that felt both innovative and intuitive, and I found it highly accessible despite knowing very little about Kabbalah to begin with. The way he connected the Tree to the zodiac and ancient astrology's planets was particularly intriguing, as it brought a sense of harmony and clarity to these esoteric traditions whilst also linking readers to something more mainstream and familiar as a starting point. The narrative was engaging and penned with the warmth and confidence of a wise friend explaining their worldview, and Weems' ability to simplify complex ideas made the book accessible without losing its profound depth. The slow building of ideas forms an impressive bigger picture charged with positivity and inspiring zest for life. This work not only expanded my understanding of Kabbalah but also inspired a deeper appreciation for its interconnectedness with other mystical and psychological frameworks, making it a great springboard to explore other New Age thinking. Overall, Unlocking Kabbalah was a thought-provoking and transformative read that I would certainly recommend.

Leonard Smuts

The Kabbalah is an ancient Jewish mystical tradition associated with the Tree of Life, which comprises ten spheres, arranged into three columns. The spheres are seen as divine manifestations. Each represents archetypal energy, constituting an etheric template of our existence. The tree is structured to promote balance, with mercy being tempered by severity. The spheres are joined by 22 pathways, which correspond with the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet and the 22 Major Arcana cards of the familiar Tarot card deck. Against this background, Thomas Weems adopts a new approach in his work Unlocking Kabbalah: A New Synthesis of Astrology, Tarot and the Tree of Life. The author redefines the tree by providing additional information derived from astrology, the Tarot, symbology, and philosophical concepts to amplify the wisdom contained in the conventional, but sometimes obscure, teachings. As with most mystical thinking, everything is open to interpretation. The author explores the possibilities in detail and provides some thought-provoking alternatives.

A study of the Kabbalah should not be undertaken lightly. In common with many metaphysical teachings, it is a complex field, full of symbolism and at times hidden meanings. Thomas Weems breaks new ground by aligning Kabbalistic notions with those from other practices. He re-draws the traditional diagram of the Tree of Life and its pathways to provide a visual representation that is easy to follow, assigning colors to the spheres as a further innovation. The result is more than an intellectual exercise. To be of value, readers must embody the information experientially, particularly that relating to their astrological birth signs. Finding balance will help readers to transform their lives and manifest positive outcomes. The subject matter is intricate, and it would be best to have a working knowledge of Kabbalah before reading the book. The explanations are well-presented and keywords are highlighted in italics, which enhances the reading. Unlocking Kabbalah adopts a refreshing and holistic approach to an ancient tradition and is highly recommended.

Asher Syed

Unlocking Kabbalah: A New Synthesis of Astrology, Tarot, and the Tree of Life by Thomas Weems re-examines the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, proposing that its familiar form is a modern adaptation of an ancient design. Weems restructures the Tree into a more intuitive layout, revealing a new perspective that integrates the wheel of the zodiac with the seven traditional planets of ancient astrology. The book presents the Tree of Life as a coherent and elegant map of reality, offering fresh interpretations of its components. It also connects the Tree to Tarot, psychology, magic, and the Law of Attraction, aiming to make Kabbalah relevant to contemporary experiences, thus providing clearer insights into astrology and the zodiac signs.

In Unlocking Kabbalah, Thomas Weems breaks down intellectual analysis with intuitive insight exceptionally well. My understanding of Kabbalah within a broader occult philosophy was virtually nothing, but I walked away with a wonderfully nuanced appreciation of its historical and esoteric contexts. I liked how Weems comfortably explains mainstream theology, particularly on the nature of God, drawing insightful parallels with other mystical traditions. The standout part for me is chapter three, Magic and Manifestation, tracing modern magical theories through their historical evolution from mesmerism and animal magnetism to current views on manifestation, enriching my understanding of these ideas. The book is refreshingly embracing of all levels of readers and understanding. Weems' conversational, personal style of writing makes his work easy to “get” and, as a newbie, I now feel thoroughly informed and inspired. Recommended.

Liz Konkel

Unlocking Kabbalah by Thomas Weems is an exploration of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life through a lens of analysis that takes a twist when approaching the ancient design. The book focuses on the convergence of astrology and tarot with the Tree of Life. Part One introduces the new model being presented while Part Two takes you through the ten spheres: diamond, white, black, indigo, blue, red, yellow, green, orange, and purple. Part Three includes a psychological study and the book’s approach to magic and manifestation. Part Four goes through the tarot and how this connects to the re-imagined Tree of Life before weaving into the astrological correspondences. This creates a core foundation for the book with a logical structure as a path for discovery and revelations. The interpretation presented brings together meanings that create a thought-provoking new perspective on the human experience.

The book is well-organized to help you fully understand the Tree of Life. This is a great resource for beginners and those seeking to gain a deeper insight into the topic as the book eases you into the concepts. The content focuses on a re-imagined Tree of Life by breaking down and examining the ten spheres and the astrological connections. The root of this is the exploration of divine harmony and is the basis for an inner journey for anyone open to these concepts. Part One serves as a great introduction to the concepts and eases you in while Part Two and Part Four analyze the spheres, tarot, and astrological connections with chapter-by-chapter breakdowns. The ten spheres are broken down into chapters which allows you to comprehend them one at a time. This creates a thorough study that allows you to go at your own pace. Part Three takes a psychological approach that is well-placed between the spheres and tarot as a way to bridge the gap between them and help you ease from one to the other. Part Four focuses on the tarot and astrology such as the High Priestess which embodies the ability to see into the essence of everything to the Tower which is deemed essential to keep in mind. Unlocking Kabbalah by Thomas Weems is about divine harmony with a unique and at times abstract approach to the Tree of Life; a stunning exploration that is thought-provoking, philosophical, and spiritually empowering.