
Roman Equestrian I

Romance - Historical
464 Pages
Reviewed on 10/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Venator, the first book in Roman Equestrian by A. M. Swink, is a gripping historical romance set in Britannia in AD 59. It follows Decimus, a seasoned Roman centurion dreaming of retirement, and Luciana, a Cornovii princess dedicated to her tribe's independence. Though they share a love of horsemanship, they are fierce adversaries. Their unlikely bond grows as tensions between the Roman legions and British tribes escalate, with Druids and rival leaders intensifying the conflict. Caught between duty and desire, Decimus and Luciana find themselves in a battle for Britannia's future and each other's hearts.

Author A. M. Swink creates a masterful blend of romance and historical accuracy that brings ancient Britannia to vibrant life. I absolutely love dramatic work set in this early ancient period. Swink's atmospheric writing captures the grandeur and grit of the era, making every scene feel authentic and immersive. I was particularly impressed by the way the chemistry between Decimus and Luciana developed with such authentic-sounding, emotive dialogue, building their relationship through small moments and shared passions that always feel true to their time and circumstances. The complex political landscape woven around their romance offers a lot of tension and intrigue without ever overtaking the main plot or slowing the pace, and the political events are used in exciting ways that keep readers thoroughly engaged throughout the story. What I found most captivating was how both characters' conflicting loyalties felt equally valid and compelling, creating a fairly balanced romance, epic in scale, and deeply personal to these very realistic people. Overall, Venator is an outstanding historical romance that will transport readers into a richly detailed ancient world while delivering a love story that resonates with timeless themes, and I'd certainly recommend it.