Victoria Saves the Day

A Book-Reading Girl Outsmarts a Witch

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Victoria Saves the Day is a children’s picture book written by Geoffrey Ward with illustrations by Fei Zheng-Ward. It tells the story of Victoria, a girl who loves to read, and her siblings, Maddie and Alex, as they encounter a crafty witch. One day, Victoria’s parents notice that she is reading while her siblings are glued to their electronic devices and neglecting their chores. As a result, they send all the kids out of the house in the hope that they will embrace the outdoors. While Victoria continues reading, her siblings stumble upon a mysterious mansion. An elderly lady stops Maddie and Alex, offering them candy and inviting them inside to play video games. The children fall for her trick and find themselves trapped in her basement. With her siblings in danger, Victoria must use her quick thinking and book smarts to outsmart the cunning witch, rescue her siblings, and ultimately save the day.

Victoria Saves the Day is a delightful tale that breathes fresh life into the classic Hansel and Gretel story, incorporating modern lessons for young readers. It emphasizes the importance of reading, quick thinking, and helping at home, while also teaching children the value of reducing screen time, engaging in outdoor activities, being kind to siblings, and being cautious of strangers. Victoria, as an underdog character, is relatable to many children and her bravery serves as an inspiration for facing challenges with courage and cleverness. The story is easy to follow due to Geoffrey Ward's use of simple language. The vibrant illustrations further enhance the visual appeal, bringing the characters to life. If you're searching for a story that educates children on staying safe in dangerous situations and tackling obstacles with courage and cleverness, then this is the book for you.