When Babies Come Home

Children - Picture Book
20 Pages
Reviewed on 10/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

When Babies Come Home by Debra Hewitt is a heartwarming children's picture book that captures the tender moments of welcoming a new baby into the family. Babies bring immense joy, but they are too young to walk, talk, or care for themselves. Thus, it is up to the family to provide everything they need. Mothers offer cuddles and warmth, holding their newborns close in loving arms. Dads enjoy being near the baby, ensuring they are snugly wrapped from head to toe. The entire family can contribute, whether by buying the baby’s first toys or making sure they are clean and well-fed. This book teaches young readers what a newborn needs and how a family's love and support create a nurturing environment for little ones.

When Babies Come Home beautifully highlights the joy of bringing a newborn home. It emphasizes the importance of warmth, rest, and love while showing the vital roles family members play in supporting a new life. The book also illustrates the unity and happiness a new arrival brings to a family. Debra Hewitt uses rhyming words and a soothing tone throughout the narration, making it engaging to read. The artwork is another unique element, featuring beautiful pictures of family members cuddling the baby and expressing their love. Engaging with infants from their first day in your home through various activities is essential for their emotional and cognitive development. I enjoyed reading this book and recommend sharing it with family and friends to celebrate the excitement of new beginnings with their little ones.