When Darkness Falls

Book I: The Palace

Romance - Paranormal
318 Pages
Reviewed on 09/28/2021
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jennifer Ibiam for Readers' Favorite

Alyssa was an orphaned outcast from the remote village of Andretka who had nothing going for her. So she travels in a caravan to Al Khair, a famous prosperous city she’d heard about in stories. The place had a mix of humans, vampires, and other species who coexisted in fragile peace. Lord Damien, a vampire, was the Lord of all, but Al Khair had a human Sultana, Zahira. When a chance stroll into town took the newbie, Alyssa, to the library, she got the job of a Royal scribe. But Alyssa possessed power, one strange and potent enough to have Lord Damien searching for the source. Who is Alyssa, and is she on a mission in Al Khair? Will Damien find her? When Darkness Falls by Allie McCormack tells a captivating story.

When Darkness Falls by Allie McCormack is the first book in The Palace trilogy. It is a story of compassion, good fortune, humor, and challenges. I loved the story because of how realistic it was, despite being set in a fabled land. I could relate to Alyssa’s behavior because I was also in dreamland when my first paycheck hit my bank after university. Allie is a gifted storyteller, a very descriptive one with a vivid imagination. It was as if I explored Al Khair with Alyssa. I laughed a lot, especially when I imagined myself coexisting with vampires, shifters, demons, djinns, mages, elf hybrids, and more. Allie developed beautiful characters, and I enjoyed the relationship between Alyssa and Remi. Her writing style impressed me, making it easy to follow the story. I am committed to this trilogy.