Where the Seams Meet

Fiction - Sports
312 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

Where the Seams Meet by Patrick Holcomb is about growing up, coming to terms with life, loss, and dealing with family issues. Frank Romano was on track to become a college athlete. Sure, his academic progress was a struggle but his talent on the baseball field was undeniable. With an abusive and strict father whose version of love was unending discipline, plus an alcoholic mother, Frank turns to his school baseball coach, Coach Baker, for succor, understanding, and advice. Seeking freedom and a new start in life, Frank follows his mentor into the world of firefighting. It seems, though, that tragedy is never far away and Frank ends up having to raise his young son Danny on his own. Danny, like his father, proves to be a baseball prodigy and it is not long before he attracts the interest of the “Big Boys”; the MLB scouts. What should have been the start of a glittering career will again be dogged by Romano tragedy. Through all this, the Romano family tries to hold together the tenuous bonds of love and respect but it seems that even as the final innings approaches, mending the broken bridges in life may well be too great to overcome.

Baseball metaphors abound in this wonderful story. Many people have stated that baseball is an allegory for life and author Patrick Holcomb makes great use of the principle in this work. What impressed me most about this story is the ability of the characters to rise above the endless stream of tragedies that assail them and come to terms with the harsh realities they face. I particularly liked the delicious irony of Danny’s joking remark to his high school teacher that his ambition in life was to be a teacher, just like him. The story covers a long period, from Frank’s childhood right through to Danny’s fatherhood of twin boys. However, the author manages brilliantly to keep the reader’s understanding of the timeframe and interest in the story despite the often large gaps in years between chapters. The author shows how easily relationships can be damaged by simple misunderstandings or assumptions made about other people’s feelings or motivations. Blame and guilt are two emotions that we easily ascribe to ourselves and others, often without a solid basis or understanding, an aspect highlighted in this narrative. The overriding lesson, perhaps illustrated by the seventh game of the 2014 World Series, is to never give up, no matter how unlikely the circumstances may appear. This is as equally true in life as it is in baseball. Where the Seams Meet is a sports story that is so much more; an allegory of life, love, and relationships. I greatly enjoyed it and highly recommend it.