Who Generated My Cheese?

What You Must Do Now to Survive and Thrive in an AI World—A Full-Color Illustrated Primer

Non-Fiction - Occupational
87 Pages
Reviewed on 09/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Dr. Tonya T. Strickland’s Who Generated My Cheese? is an eye-opening yet approachable guide for anyone interested in AI. With humor, real-life anecdotes, and clear insights, the author takes a complex topic—generative AI—and makes it accessible to readers at all levels of tech knowledge. The “cheese” metaphor refers to AI as the new disruptor, but this book doesn’t present a picture of doom and gloom. The "CREATE Model" and "HOPE Framework" offer clear, actionable strategies that anyone can implement to adapt to our changing world. These models and the latest AI research make the book an excellent primer for anyone just starting to grapple with what AI means for their life and work.

This book is excellent for young people considering a career to know what jobs might be taken over by artificial intelligence. Another highlight is the vibrant, full-color illustrations that break up the text, making it visually engaging and more digestible. The book includes examples of AI-generated photos showing how realistic they are, which opens one of many Pandora’s boxes of artificial intelligence. It’s clear as time passes that it will be more and more challenging to determine what’s real and what’s AI. Who Generated My Cheese? is more than an AI survival guide; it’s a call to action to learn, adapt, and seize opportunities within the AI revolution. Dr. Tonya T. Strickland prepares us for the future without being an alarmist. If you're looking for a practical guide on AI that mixes humor and substance, this book is definitely for you. I highly recommend it.