Why Are You Sick?

How to Reclaim Your Health with the Ultimate Health Model

Non-Fiction - Health - Fitness
255 Pages
Reviewed on 09/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Why Are You Sick? How to Reclaim Your Health with the Ultimate Health Model is a work of non-fiction where author and certified health coach Benjamin Smith offers an unconventional approach to health and wellness. Drawing on his expertise, Smith presents a blueprint that explains the underlying factors contributing to chronic diseases and provides actionable steps to achieve optimal health. The book explores lesser-known topics such as structured water and light therapy, offering readers a holistic view of health beyond traditional approaches. Smith’s work is designed to empower individuals to take control of their well-being and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Benjamin Smith presents complex health concepts in a clear and accessible way, making them easy for readers to understand and apply to their bodies. His unique focus on unconventional topics like structured water and light therapy demonstrates innovative thinking and unusual methods that you won’t find in other books in this genre. This holistic approach to wellness is rooted in historical facts and the power of self-motivation and making active, positive improvements to both mental and physical health. The content is couched in smoothly penned and motivating language. Smith’s passion for empowering readers to take charge of their health is the central motivating force of the narrative and makes the book both informative and inspiring. It makes you immediately want to pass it on to a friend who complains about a persistent health issue. The result is a well-rounded and actionable health model for those seeking lasting change. Overall, Why Are You Sick? is a recommended read for anyone seeking new ways to combat health issues and understand themselves better through holistic means.