Why Did I Just Eat That?

How to Let Go of Emotional Eating and Heal Your Relationship with Food

Non-Fiction - Self Help
226 Pages
Reviewed on 10/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Why Did I Just Eat That? by Lisa D. Ellis takes a hard look at what modern eating habits look like, speaking on less savory aspects like the biological cravings for fats, sugars, and carbs, which are all frequently exacerbated by stress. She identifies different eater types with clever breakdowns, such as the Procrastin-Eater and the Rebellious Eater, and talks about how emotional triggers influence our eating behaviors. Ellis champions for mindful and intuitive eating, telling us as individuals to listen to our hunger cues and recognize patterns that lead us to unhealthy eating. She critiques the diet industry for promoting unsustainable practices and offers practical strategies, including meal planning, mood diaries, and what she calls “S.M.A.R.T.” goals, to improve one’s relationship with food. Overall, Ellis is on a mission to foster self-awareness, empowerment, and healthier coping mechanisms to elevate intentional eating in today’s environment.

In Why Did I Just Eat That?, Lisa D. Ellis digs deeply and honestly into the emotional and psychological factors influencing eating behaviors. From the start, her writing is clear and engaging, breaking down more complicated lessons into accessible advice. I personally related to Ellis addressing the detrimental effects of anxiety-driven perfectionism and all-or-nothing thinking on food choices, and have already started gradually implementing her practical solutions, like intuitive eating, to reshape how I view food. Nothing is more relatable than real-life examples and Ellis delivers here, the standout for me being Dwayne's journey, which is a must-read. I have passed this book on to my eldest daughter who is ready to take on the world because I can see how a book like this has the power to break the cycle. I recommend this as a valuable resource for those looking to cultivate a balanced approach to eating.