Why Is My Bra Still On?

Fiction - Womens
315 Pages
Reviewed on 10/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

The gripping tale of Opal Slepecki, who needed her friends' help to end her life, unfolds in Kristen Wasyliszyn's Why is My Bra Still On? Over many years, Opal and her friends shared numerous secrets and spent much time together. When Opal was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she refused to go to a nursing home as she knew her time was limited. Opal gathered her friends Luna, Urse, and Ruby to discuss her desire for a peaceful death at home. In the center of her backyard gazebo, Opal set up a festive table and prepared to ask her friends for a significant favor. Opal chose a location where she could make her request to ensure security and comfort for her friends. Opal anxiously awaited the arrival of each friend, having written a note for each one.

Why is My Bra Still On? by Kristen Wasyliszyn was heartfelt and beautiful. I was engrossed from the first to the last page because of the author's captivating approach. The story was gripping and emotionally charged. Whether Opal's friends will assist her in dying or not was left a mystery to me until the very end. Opal's diagnosis and request were made less severe at times by the amusing actions and reactions of her friends. With their distinct qualities, the characters had a great friendship although Opal's friends found it difficult to accept her diagnosis and had little interest in assisting her in ending her life at home. Reading this story was enjoyable, and it was expertly written. It is a book I will never forget.

Carol Thompson

Why Is My Bra Still On? by Kristen Wasyliszyn is a witty and emotionally resonant novel that navigates themes of friendship, mortality, and the complexity of life’s unexpected twists. The story follows Opal and her close-knit group of friends as they face difficult truths about life and death, balancing dark humor with heartfelt moments. At the heart of the novel is Opal, who, upon discovering she has terminal cancer, invites her friends to help her plan her final days. The premise may seem heavy, but the quirky and endearing personalities of the characters lighten Wasyliszyn’s narrative. The dialogue is sharp, with moments of banter that make the friendships feel authentic and warm. Each character is distinctly drawn, from Opal’s mix of vulnerability and fierce independence to the steadfastness of her friends, who bring their own layers of emotional complexity.

Kristen Wasyliszyn skillfully weaves humor and heartbreak, never letting the novel sink into melodrama. Instead, it celebrates life’s absurdities and the strength found in friendship. Opal has quirky and fun friends who bring the story to life. They are well-developed characters with unique personalities. The story is about more than just facing death; it's about how these characters live in the face of it, bringing laughter and love into every moment. With its clever writing and poignant themes, Why Is My Bra Still On? celebrates life’s imperfections and reminds us of the deep bonds that hold us together. Fans of Mark Hofmann and anyone who enjoys slice-of-life stories will enjoy this satirical novel.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Why Is My Bra Still On? is a story about unbreakable friendship and unconditional love by Kristen Wasyliszyn. After receiving the news about her pancreatic cancer, Opal Slepecki planned to die. She didn't want to go the way her life was directing her but by her own choice and timing. She needed help to gather the items necessary for her departure from the world, and she had to convince her reluctant friends, Urse, Luna, and Ruby, to assist her. Opal gives herself time to make adjustments in her friends' lives and tell a secret she has hidden in the deepest part of her mind. However, Opal has a flair for the dramatic, and her friends wonder if she's really dying or trying to test their loyalty.

Kristen Wasyliszyn has written a deeply engaging story about middle-aged women with a treasure trove of secrets and personality quirks. Just when you think they might be balanced individuals, they burst into a men's bathroom stall or steal camera equipment from a business. Each woman has emotional baggage, but they are all lovable. The characters are so layered that they feel like they're your friends. It's almost like you are with them as they plot ways to help Opal carry out her wishes. A bit of a mystery is wound into the story - after you discover the friends' secrets, it seems there is someone else who connects them. Readers who enjoy women's stories and don't mind a few dark themes will love Why Is My Bra Still On?