Why Wait to Be Happy?

Stop Listening to Satan's Lies

Christian - Devotion/Study
289 Pages
Reviewed on 09/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Why Wait to Be Happy? Stop Listening to Satan's Lies by Mark Arens is an inspirational book and a powerful guide to helping readers detect Satan's lies and live an abundant life in God. The author shares his journey and experiences, making the book relatable and engaging. The book asks questions, underlining the difference between what makes one person consistently wake up – every morning – singing, “Thank God for the morning,” and another regularly groaning, “Oh God, it’s morning?” The book is divided into eight chapters, each exploring a unique lie of Satan and offering God's solution to overcome it. The author uses biblical examples, anecdotes, and real-life stories to illustrate the concepts, making them easy to understand and apply. The book also contains sections for notes and reflection.

One of the book's strengths is its emphasis on choosing Jesus' abundance and living a life filled with joy, peace, and contentment. Mark Arens reminds readers that they can choose God's plan for their lives and that abundant living is not just about having a perfect life but also about living fulfilled with a deep sense of joy and peace. He also highlights the contrast between Satan's lies and God's truth, showing how Satan's goal is to steal, kill, and destroy, while God's goal is to give life abundantly. This contrast is used throughout the book to help readers identify the lies of Satan and choose God's truth. Why Wait to Be Happy? is littered with biblical references. The author cleverly discusses the importance of recognizing Satan's lies and choosing God's truth, the power of prayer and forgiveness in overcoming struggles, the need to live in abundance and not just survive, and the place of sharing one's experiences with God and others. This book is filled with spiritual wisdom and proposes a path to true inner freedom, offering readers the tools to unlock the wellsprings of life waiting to burst forth.