With Love, From Mom

The Journey of Dreams

Children - Picture Book
24 Pages
Reviewed on 06/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Laura Imaz for Readers' Favorite

With Love, From Mom: The Journey of Dreams by Gel See relates a mother and her child's nighttime travels. From climbing mountains to spotting fascinating stars and even riding a whale, this team invites readers to join them on their voyage. This story tucks everybody who wishes to hear a magical story before bed into the comfort and calm of a warm world. Who wouldn't want to visit this realm of limitless possibilities, filled with light, cotton clouds, and warm feelings? Somewhere you can imagine flying beyond the skies, exploring unknown jungles, and having a great time with one of the most important persons in your life: your mother! Make every night a unique event and don't miss the opportunity to create lasting core memories with your child!

With Love, From Mom: The Journey of Dreams allows you to explore your child's limitless imagination and ask yourself, "Where will tonight's story take us?" I just cannot put into words the warm feeling that lingers after reading this book. Each page feels like a mother's hug, filled with love and care. Gail Rae Javier's illustrations perfectly balance comfort and vibrancy, with an excellent color palette. In addition, Gel See provides readers with lovely and melodious poetry, which adds to the book's attractiveness. As a child, I always enjoyed nightly storytime since it allowed me to spend more time with my mother while also having many different adventures. I can't think of a book I would have enjoyed more than this one Create a new bedtime custom that your child will remember forever.