Work Done Right

Using Systems Thinking to Guide Your Digital Transformation

Non-Fiction - Occupational
77 Pages
Reviewed on 08/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Work Done Right by Matthew Kleiman is a comprehensive guide to leveraging systems thinking for digital transformation in the construction, manufacturing, and maintenance sectors. These industries often face challenges in adapting to digital processes, despite the need for improved safety, productivity, and profit margins. The book uses real-world examples and practical insights from Kleiman's extensive experience to show how to identify and reduce systematic errors using advanced tools such as AI. The author emphasizes the crucial role of human factors in effective training, accurate data collection in problem-solving, overcoming resistance to change, and optimizing operations. Kleiman stresses the importance of considering feedback from end users and accurately collecting data to assess the cost of inaction versus the cost of implementing changes. Overall, the guide promises to provide companies with strategies to optimize operations, improve efficiency, and excel in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Work Done Right is a valuable resource for organizations seeking digital improvement. Traditional methods have proven to be slow, unsafe, and inefficient, making it vital for organizations to embrace innovative digital solutions. Kleiman's approach simplifies the processes of problem identification, planning, and implementation, making it easier for readers to understand these essential concepts. The book includes relatable case studies and acknowledges that not all issues necessitate digital solutions, adding depth to the insights. Kleiman openly acknowledges his past mistakes and what he has learned from them, enhancing the credibility of his guidance and making the resource valuable for those looking to improve their systems. Colorful illustrations, charts, and tables effectively complement the text, making complex ideas more understandable and engaging. Overall, Work Done Right is an essential tool for navigating the complexities of digital improvement while promoting a culture of continuous learning and adaptability.