Working on a Project Called Life

You are chosen! Now, let's move forward.

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
156 Pages
Reviewed on 10/20/2024
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Author Biography

Lisa is a vibrant individual, infused with the lively energy of the city and the islands. Her dynamic personality blends urban flair with a down-to-earth and relatable demeanor. Drawing from a wealth of experience, Lisa has demonstrated her leadership prowess by spearheading diverse teams and managing large-scale projects.

Her influence resonates through her professional and spiritual experience, marked by a harmonious blend of sophistication, warmth, and genuine care for people. With a rich history of steering successful endeavors, Lisa brings a seasoned perspective to every project she undertakes, providing both efficiency and a contagious enthusiasm that naturally spreads to the teams she works with.

Lisa continues to be a force in her assignments, living as a "purpose in progress."

    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Working on a Project Called Life by Lisa Pratt-Sanchez is a transformative guide designed to help readers discover their purpose through a unique blend of project management principles and spiritual insights. The author introduces the L.I.F.E. framework—Lead, Invest, Focus, Execute—which empowers readers to embrace their divine calling and navigate challenges with resilience. The framework involves learning leadership skills, self-discovery, finding your calling, and setting manageable goals. It emphasizes investing time and faith in personal growth and relationships while trusting in God’s plan and guidance. Readers are encouraged to maintain focus on their purpose, learn from experiences, and execute plans with adaptability. Additionally, the book teaches how to develop skills for handling detractors and distractions during the journey.

Working on a Project Called Life is a comprehensive roadmap for individuals seeking clarity and direction. The combination of business methods and biblical principles makes this book stand out. Familiar concepts like breaking down goals into smaller tasks, adapting to change, and conducting continuous assessments are beautifully translated into spiritual terms and supported by scripture. This journey should not be taken alone; readers will need accountability partners, supporters, critics, and, most importantly, God to guide them. Lisa Pratt-Sanchez shares her calling as a writer and draws on her personal experience dealing with a health scare, adding authenticity and practical guidance to the narrative. The inclusion of templates and planning tools ensures that the tasks outlined are actionable. The book is engaging and filled with profound and memorable quotes. It features dynamic flow charts, tables, and visuals that enhance its appeal, making it enjoyable. This is a must-read for anyone seeking to fulfill their calling and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

Jamie Michele

In her self-help book Working on a Project Called Life, Lisa Pratt-Sanchez likens life to a project that requires intentional planning, adaptability, and faith. She tells readers that each person is created with a unique purpose by God, and fulfilling that purpose requires clear goal-setting, overcoming distractions, and trusting in divine guidance. Difficulties in life are inevitable but can be overcome with persistence, self-reflection, and reliance on God's plan. Pratt-Sanchez says that leadership requires stepping outside comfort zones, breaking down goals, and maintaining focus on God’s will. She leans into the importance of time management, relationship-building, and self-care in fulfilling one's purpose. She encourages continuous growth, reflection, and the willingness to embrace risks, learn from failure, and stay committed to personal and spiritual development. Ultimately, Pratt-Sanchez states we must stay aligned with God’s guidance to achieve lasting fulfillment.

Working on a Project Called Life by Lisa Pratt-Sanchez is a faith-based guide for anyone seeking to approach life with purpose and intention. Pratt-Sanchez creatively combines her project management expertise with spiritual research, offering a structured format and thoughtful perspective on how to live meaningfully. The writing style is clear and straightforward, it is inclusive of scripture and explanations without silly jargon, making it wonderfully accessible for all readers. What I enjoyed most is that the author provides actionable strategies that can be put into place reasonably, which is important to make the book work on a practical level. Through her own personal journey, including a health crisis, Pratt-Sanchez exemplifies resilience and the power of faith. This book is not just a motivational read but a roadmap for anyone ready to take active steps toward fulfilling their divine purpose. Very highly recommended.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

During a spiritual reflection with God, Lisa Pratt-Sanchez developed Project Life. Later, she wrote Working on a Project Called Life to help individuals through her testimony and inspirational messages. Readers will learn how to lead, invest, focus, and execute with intention and a Christian focus. Pratt-Sanchez presents a framework that helps you set goals, manage time more efficiently, and identify your calling. The author presents an idea to manage your life like a business proposal with goals and objectives. Her meaningful questions and "purpose-driven assignments" will help readers reflect on the material and their feelings. The author guides you, but you are responsible for managing the outcome.

Viewing your life as a project may make it more manageable, and Lisa Pratt-Sanchez leads you through her perspective with encouragement and determination. By breaking through self-doubt and negative self-talk, you will have the drive to empower yourself and make better decisions that are more in line with God's plan for you. Pratt-Sanchez's book is great for people who think analytically, but creative minds will benefit from it, too. Throughout the book, the author urges you to seek wisdom, and her words and viewpoint are inspirational. I love the scriptures that Pratt-Sanchez uses with the best timing. She explains each topic conversationally, providing you with opportunities to consider her points and how they apply to your life. Readers who are ready to enter a journey of personal triumphs and continual growth will enjoy Working on a Project Called Life.