Yutka And the Voyage of the Parita

Non-Fiction - Historical
280 Pages
Reviewed on 08/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tanya Kays for Readers' Favorite

Marcia Breece's Yutka and the Voyage of the Parita depicts the incredibly true story of Yutka Lipka’s daring escape from Nazi-occupied Poland. During the rise of Nazism throughout Europe in the 1930s and 40s, Yutka decides to forge a better life for herself. She boards a rescue ship, Parita, that makes its way across the Black Sea to British Mandate Palestine. Unfortunately, her family is tragically executed by Nazi soldiers after they decide to stay in their motherland. Aboard the Parita, Yutka's already rugged sea journey becomes an even more grueling one. Faced with dehydration, starvation, and struggles against British blockades, all hope seems to be lost. However, due to the bravery and quick thinking of Commander Erwin Leibovitz, the passengers/survivors were able to reach the shores of Tel Aviv. Get this extraordinary book and follow Yutka's new life as an immigrant in Israel. Her resilient spirit continues to shine through it all.

Yutka and the Voyage of the Parita gives readers a profound glance into the history of the Holocaust, its survivors, and their determination to build a new life for themselves despite the horrors they endured. Marcia Breece sensitively explores the traumatic effects of this historical event as she highlights the heartbreaking obstacles Jewish people had to undergo during that period. Despite such horrors, Yutka showed genuine determination in the face of such devastation and loss. This authentic tale is told in a fast-paced and emotional narrative. Readers will struggle to put this book down, even when the reality of Yutka's situation feels too hard to bear. I love how Breece portrays Yutka's strength and skillfulness while adapting to her new cultural environment in Israel. The black-and-white photos depicting Yutka's family, childhood, adolescence, friends, and adult life add to her story. I recommend this exceptional read to all history lovers.