I just finished reading Crik by author Karl Beer, and all I can say is "Wow!" How's that for a review? I must admit, I read a lot, and a lot of what I read is in the genre of fantasy. I can honestly stay...
I just finished reading Crik by author Karl Beer, and all I can say is "Wow!" How's that for a review? I must admit, I read a lot, and a lot of what I read is in the genre of fantasy. I can honestly stay...
In a highly creative and inventive offering by author Gail Morgan McRae, Creedor: The Reglon Empire Series Part 1, readers are introduced to a highly unique and futuristic world, one filled with magic, murder and mayhem. Creedor, circa the 24th century, is in crisis. Jarlod,...
Wow. Just, wow. How's that for a review? Pretty great, right? Well, that's definitely what I thought when I finished reading the highly unique, highly inventive and highly fantastic book by author Mark Stone, Calasade: Sanguiem Isle. Follow the story of Caderyn, a wounded and...
A True Original. That is the best way I can describe Chronicles of Ara: Creation by Joel Eisenberg and Stephen Hillard. This book grabbed me from the beginning and wouldn’t let go. In this literary gem, the mysterious character “X” leads us through the dark...
In Cara's Twelve by Chantal Seabrook, Cara is a young woman who lives in the province of Crowthorne, in Elbian. Here, she is forced to live her life according to a community and a belief system for which she has zero tolerance. However, her fate...
Confronting the Demon is Book One of The Seven Circles of Hell, a fantasy series written by Ciara Ballintyne. Someone is killing Alloran's friends and former lovers, and they're trying to throw the blame on him. They're also working with spells that can summon demons....
The eternal battle between good and evil is played out through the characters on the side of Deceris, goddess of the Light and those of Belamon, god of the Dark. They join forces against Lord Faldyn, the pawn of the damned souls of Aeyrebis, and...
Children of Fire by Mary Fonvielle follows the story of Arryn, also known as Ankenar. Arryn is of the race of the Fire Children, a race that has been unheard of by the rest of the world for hundreds of years. Arryn’s brother was set...
Crystal City is one of the world’s wonders and a neutral meeting place for the rulers of different realms powered by the Crystal, the center of all civilizations. Now the Crystal and the city are under attack by some unknown force. Rowan, the former captain...
In Chivalry & Malevolence, Princess Morgana is an elven princess who detests the old laws of Alfheim that blindly punish the innocent lesser beings. She is abused, physically and mentally, by her mother, the Queen. Drust, a dragon, asks for her hand in marriage in...