Zodiac Pets

By Eric Giroux

A trip down memory lane shows us what a trip growing up in Pennacook, Massachusetts was for Wendy Zhou in the book Zodiac Pets by Eric Giroux. The death of Wendy's father is one of the many incidents that challenge her middle school career, including...

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Zennfinnity Was Here

By Jeff Pearson

People's diverse experiences in different situations make life such a beautiful journey. In Zennfinnity Was Here, Jeff Pearson narrates eleven stories that depict our diverse world and the varying struggles and emotions accompanying them, including loss, pain, frustration, joy, fondness, and more. The second story,...

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By Murray Pura

Murray Pura’s Zo is captivating in its poetic-like narration. Every word on every page has a reason and a place. It is part of a series, and continues to have the same impactful, resonating quality that Murray Pura’s work is known for. In Zo we...

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