Seeker by Suzana Thompson is a darkly gripping YA paranormal novel. This mysterious and intriguing story begins with Mila as she is with her mom and dad at the elephant exhibit in the zoo when she is just five years old. She sees a man...
Seeker by Suzana Thompson is a darkly gripping YA paranormal novel. This mysterious and intriguing story begins with Mila as she is with her mom and dad at the elephant exhibit in the zoo when she is just five years old. She sees a man...
A teenage girl brings evil and death to her town when she dabbles with magic and her spellwork unleashes a malevolent entity in the supernatural novel, Something Wiccan (Shadow Tales Book 2) by James Drummond. Fifteen-year-old Natalie Sherwood is crushing on Justin Paris, a wealthy...
A Witchy Mistake by Rhonda Hopkins is a prequel to the Witches of Whispering Pines series written for young adults. Charley was born into a family of witches, a fact they hide from the small community where they live. Her mother runs a shop in...
Students traveling between the past and present try to undo a defining traumatic moment in one man's life in the intriguing young adult science-fiction novel, The Promise of the Gateway by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira. Emily is a brilliant pupil but can't seem to...
Wolf of the Tesseract by Christopher D. Schmitz is the first book in the Wolves of the Tesseract series. Claire was normal. Her life was ordinary. Suddenly, everything changed and nothing was normal. Now, she's having to run for her life. A strange former classmate...
Wild Open Faces by Jennifer G. Edelson is the second book in the Wild and Ruin trilogy. Since Ruby moved to La Luna, her life has undergone several changes from discovering that the mysterious Leo was actually the alluring Ezra, uncovering a gateway to the...
A year after their adventure in the town beneath the magical Christmas tree, Christmas Eve once again finds Hailey and her family gathered in her grandpa’s house. After decorating the tree, Jacob, Hailey’s best friend, takes the older cousins for a short walk. Arriving at...
Abbey and Holly Series: Secrets of the Trunk, Book 3 is a young adult paranormal mystery by Janice Spina. Abbey and her cousin Holly were sorting through old books in the library of the house they had recently moved into. They met a dust sprite...
Bellocaro by P. S. Meraux is a vampire story with a difference. Skye Moon has had enough. Trying to escape the school jock who won't leave her alone, she finds herself deep in the woods. There, she meets Thatcher, a mysterious boy to whom...
The Midnight Man is the second novel in The Wiccan Chronicles by D. A. Barney. The story follows young Dani as she is forced to harness her powers and grow up a little too quickly just to survive. Dani knows her mother did her best...