Solar Fury
Solar Fury by E. A. Chance is about the end of civilization as we know it as a result of a solar flare. The story follows a young mom named Riley and her teenage daughter Julia as they get stranded at a hotel in Washington...
Solar Fury by E. A. Chance is about the end of civilization as we know it as a result of a solar flare. The story follows a young mom named Riley and her teenage daughter Julia as they get stranded at a hotel in Washington...
Despite being disabled, Johnny behaves like a typical teenage boy in Little Lost Things by Eleanor Chance. Johnny and his mother, Grace, butt heads about everything as Johnny yearns for independence. Johnny has had enough and walks out when he discovers that Grace has been...
The Dreams of Demons: The Legends of the Pale Series is a romantic paranormal fantasy novel written by Tarrant Smith. Gabriela found it impossible to resist reaching out and reading the minds of people passing by. Sometimes, the act was a harmless exercise of a...
I Can Do What Mommy Can Do is a children’s picture book written by Kitty Arceneaux and illustrated by W. Smiley Isaac. Four-year-old Tess loves staying home with her mom during the day and watching her as she does her daily tasks. When Tess sees...
I Can Do What Daddy Can Do is a picture book for preschool children written by Kitty Arceneaux and illustrated by W. Smiley Isaac. Four-year-old Logan loves spending time with his dad every weekend. He is fascinated by his dad’s weekend routines and wants to...
Even before you have finished reading the opening chapter of The Truth in a Lie by Jan Turk Petrie, you know you have discovered a skilled creative writer. It takes well-honed writing talent to quickly arouse reader interest in something as ordinary as moving residences...
Transcending Depression: Quest Without a Compass is a nonfiction mental health memoir written by Larry Godwin, Ph.D. Godwin shares journal entries written over the 49 years he’s suffered from depression and thoughts of suicide. He discusses the medications he’s been prescribed and the reactions he’s...
Stop Breathe and Think: Temper Tantrum and Feeling Book for Kids is a children’s self-help picture book written by Nesrine Sleiman and illustrated by Aytan Khalafova. Lemar is a little girl who is sure she will someday become a famous artist. Drawing and painting are...
From a Rectangle is an educational concept picture book for children written by Najah A. Jabbar and illustrated by Craig Ledger. It was nothing more than a rectangle drawn on a sheet of paper until a hand turned it onto its side. Adding in two...
Looking for Life: A Collection of Science Fiction Short Stories by Clayton Graham is a must-read for all science fiction fans out there. Reminiscent of those anthologies and short stories that propelled the golden age of science fiction, Clayton Graham’s elegant and engaging writing style...
In 1853, a much-loved reverend is being tried for murder in the fictionalized true-crime novel, Beneath the Splendor by Jamie Taylor. While visiting her cousin, Elizabeth Carawan takes the maid's twelve-year-old daughter, Mary, to be her personal maid. Having grown up in servitude, Mary is...
Back on Bonaire: Rediscovering Diver's Paradise as a Father is a nonfiction travel memoir written by Andrew Jalbert. Jalbert knew, from the time he was a young boy, that he wanted to be an explorer, to have adventures, and so archaeology seemed a perfect choice....
Unexpectedly reconnecting with a childhood friend, a journalist finds himself involuntarily drawn into a dangerous set of circumstances where death is part of the deal in the breathtaking mystery novel, In the Country Dark (An Appalachian Crime Tale) by Mike Mallow. Due to his confrontation...
Prince Manny loves his father, King Immanuel, and his home, the kingdom of Crownington. Today, Prince Manny is excited to start his first day of school, but is disappointed when he discovers he won't be going to school in Crownington; instead, he will be going...
Still in search of their missing parents, the Lancelot twins are going on another thrilling adventure through the mists of time in the middle-grade adventure, The Shadow of The Great Fire (Shadows From The Past: Book 17) by Wendy Leighton-Porter. A new clue to the...
Death of a Zen Master is a murder mystery novel written by Cornelia Feye. Greg Stern was doing penance for a brief affair by submitting to a two-week stay at a zen monastery in a remote location. Said sentence was imposed upon him by his...
Punny Jokes To Tell Your Peeps! Book 6 is a humorous picture book for children written and illustrated by Lisa Ayotte. Kids love telling jokes. They can be puns or other plays on words or just plain silly. A joke is almost guaranteed a laugh...
Four-Flusher by James M Shellenbergar is a mesmerizing Western with an unforgettable protagonist, a compelling story of one man’s search for justice for a murdered sister. Elijah Pike returns from the war to the disquieting reality of his sister’s murder and what makes it even...
In Jane Ver Mulm’s delightful historical romance novel, Finding Paradise, Ellen Schmidt struggles against the repressive social norms of her era. During her childhood, Ellen forms close bonds with her father’s slaves. Unlike most people in her circle, Ellen abhors the practice of slavery, an...
Prophet Reborn is a work of fiction in the horror, thriller and suspense sub-genres, and was penned by author Diane M. Johnson. In the second novel of a continuing series, we join the action where Perfect Prophet leaves off, and once again the book does...