10 Lifesavers for Every Couple

Help and Hope When Your Relationship Hits a Rough Spot

Non-Fiction - Relationships
160 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

All couples have times of stress and conflict. My husband and I have been married for 36 years and we love each other more every day. We hold hands, laugh, talk and generally enjoy each other’s company. I’m often asked for our secret. It’s very simple; we keep our love alive by: Placing God first in our lives. We place the other’s needs before our own. We make time for each other. We occasionally agree to disagree. We do not go to bed angry. We touch each other, the human touch works wonders. We support each other. The most important secret is divorce is not an option. We knew when we married we married until death do us part. We knew what type of marriage we wanted. We saw other people that stayed married but bickered continuously. We knew couples that did not enjoy each other’s company and did nothing together. That wasn’t what we wanted. We searched Biblically for the model of a good marriage and we looked around us for examples of what we wanted.

Today we live world of instant gratification and disposable products. Marriages are disposable. If it doesn’t work we can always get a divorce. People don’t try to work things out. Perhaps they don’t know how to work things out. Being happily married isn’t easy. You have to work to make it happy.

Authors David Hawkins offers wise advice in his book 10 Lifesavers For Every Couple. This book’s focus is on couples it is an excellent resource for any relationship. This book is easy to read and understand. There is a guide to help you know when your relationship is in trouble. Dr. Hawkins uses scripture to support his points. We don’t always realize that we are jeopardizing our relationships.

This book has a number of interesting hints to help improve relationships. Reading about other couples and their problems helps to you to recognize the problem in your own relationship. Great reading!