Aventuras in Spain

A Memoir

Non-Fiction - Memoir
194 Pages
Reviewed on 09/28/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Roy T. James for Readers' Favorite

Aventuras in Spain: A Memoir by Sandra Staas is a lighthearted account of how Sandra managed to learn to speak Spanish fluently while living in Spain. She writes about society in the early seventies when Franco, the dictator, was still in power. How she lands up in Seville from Glasgow, with only the name of a local contact, Lupita, for help; how she finds an opportunity to teach English to small children covers the initial part of the book. Better luck awaits her, both in the forms of a challenging position of teaching and a furnished house. Her falling in love and tying the knot, followed by greater adventures occupy the remaining pages of the book.

If ever there was a real page turner in memoirs it is Aventuras in Spain: A Memoir by Sandra Staas. In addition to the entertainment inherent in teaching children of age groups 4-5 in the mornings and 5–9 in the afternoons, this memoir is replete with a multitude of stories of wit and humor, like Susane’s luck with the piano or the drunk with the costly drug. One question troubles me, however, what was the attraction between husband George and the author that could turn a meeting into a lifelong alliance in a span of a couple of months? Especially so, since the author has decided to keep this part of the memoir rather untold! A highly captivating book; all the snippets of her stay are worth ruminating on for days to come.