The Crown

Amane of Teravinea, Volume 3

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
345 Pages
Reviewed on 08/19/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ray Simmons for Readers' Favorite

The Crown is the third book in the Amane of Teravinea series. I read the first two books and I liked them a lot. I recommend them highly, but you don’t have to read them in order to enjoy, appreciate, or understand the third book. The Crown can stand alone as a great novel, but why not enjoy the whole tale from the very beginning? It is a chance to watch the characters and the writer grow. D. Maria Trimble was good from the very outset and, to my delight as a reader, she keeps getting better and better! There are a lot of strong female characters in the Young Adult fantasy genre but, in my opinion, Amane and her dragon, Eshshah, are one of the finest teams in the history of fantasy literature. Eshshah has as much personality as her rider and adds immensely to the depth of the tale.

The Crown has all the great elements of epic fantasy. A powerful villain that must be defeated for the good of the whole world, a young king without a crown or a throne, a prophecy guiding and foretelling events, a love story, and a hero. What is there not to like? The story is tight and compelling. The plot doesn't have any holes in it. The characters are well drawn and, most of all, the writing is great and propels the story forward instead of getting in the story’s way, like it does in so many books. The Crown was a finalist in the San Diego Book Awards in 2014. In my opinion, it’s a winner!