99 Sense to Freedom

Non-Fiction - Self Help
89 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Lance Dickson’s 99 Sense to Freedom is a self-help guide that examines the relationship between generations while urging younger readers to adapt to the changing environment, but not forget the lessons from history. By understanding what defines different generations and learning from different life cycles, readers are given nuggets of wisdom that will help them in relationships, finances, and career choices. Dickson talks about the importance of communication and listening, following your dreams, risk management, and having a purpose in life. He also discusses values and opinions and having the power to overcome hindrances to success. He emphasizes that honesty, transparency, respect, and self-worth are foundational principles for building relationships and achieving meaningful success. Overall, the book serves as a valuable resource that calls on readers to appreciate the need for intentional conversations, proactive in bridging generational gaps, and leading to sharing useful knowledge.

Dickson’s 99 Sense to Freedom is a well-needed resource that can help you face life's challenges with confidence and wisdom. It is sad how younger generations do not want to learn from the experiences and lessons of older generations and vice versa. History often repeats itself, therefore arming yourself with knowledge is key to navigating life with ease. Lance Dickson does a great job of presenting these lessons in an engaging and accessible manner. His use of simple and straightforward language makes this book easy to follow and understand. The book's format is consistent with bold titles, lists, and helpful references. I enjoyed reading this book and recommend it to anyone who loves books that encourage personal growth, self-discovery, and improvement.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Lance Dickson wrote 99 Sense to Freedom to help the younger generation by passing on wisdom, observations, and theories in his work within a Christian context. Dickson addresses freedom, change, evaluating risk, communication barriers, finding your purpose, aspirations, and obstacles to success. He suggests developing good listening skills and separating valid and invalid information. The author details the different distinctions within generations, discusses life cycles and the information gathered in each stage, discusses the differences between a fad and a gimmick, and points out how values and beliefs are formed and how you can develop authentic opinions. At the end of the book, Dickson offers "nuggets of wisdom" to pass on information he wished he had known in his youth to younger generations.

Lance Dickson supplies sage advice that will help people in many stages of life but will be especially valuable to young people. The author stated in the book that he wished he had known the information when he was younger. By reading the book, individuals will adapt to the future better and be motivated to make goals and work toward their dreams. In a section that seemed to speak specifically to me, Dickson lists priceless ways to keep in contact with people who matter most to you. I read through the book and then handed it to my sixteen-year-old daughter, who I think will benefit from reading the material. Dickson's 99 Sense to Freedom is a great selection for teenagers and college students as they make decisions affecting their adult years.

Pikasho Deka

As a late baby boomer, Lance Dickson draws from his vast wealth of knowledge and life experiences to offer some useful nuggets of wisdom and insights to help the younger generation navigate the challenges and rigors of everyday life in 99 Sense to Freedom. Obtain freedom by gathering knowledge in your areas of interest, embrace change and learn to adapt, explore the cycles of life through the lens of different generations, recognize fads, gimmicks, and loopholes, pursue your dreams by overcoming your fear of failure and doubts, find purpose in your life, and more. The book also delves into the four models of communication, the three levels of risk, the different types of opinions and values, bridging the gap between opinions and values, and provides exercises to help you control your thoughts, practice discipline, and find your way to self-discovery.

Succinct and informative, 99 Sense to Freedom is a fantastic handbook for any young adult who is about to begin their journey of adulthood and tackle life as an adult. This book basically covers all the aspects of what it means to step into the world as a grown adult and offers readers the tools and practices one needs when they're on the cusp of change. Author Lance Dickson is very efficient with his words and presents the contents in an accessible style that will appeal to a wide variety of readers. Dickson's observations and insights are all practically applicable in everyday life. If you're about to start college or your first job, this book is for you. For Gen Z, this guide is a must-read. I found it very engaging and motivational. Highly recommended!

Joe Wisinski

Lance Dickson's 99 Sense to Freedom is an advice manual for those in their late teens or just starting their adult lives. Its purpose is to teach values and provide inspiration that they might not have received while gaining their education. Dickson passes along information to his readers that he wished he had known earlier in his life. Some chapter titles are Selling the Dream, Roadblocks to Success, and Nuggets of Wisdom. There are endnotes after each chapter, along with links to web pages, so readers can look up additional information. Dickson titled his book 99 Sense to Freedom because he intends to sell the book, in digital format only, for 99 cents. The author lists several of his other books, along with links to them, at the end of this book.

Lance Dickson's 99 Sense to Freedom is one of those books that those of us in the later stages of our lives might wish had been available when we were young. Although our schools do a good job of educating young people, they sometimes overlook instruction on practical matters. That’s where Dickson’s book comes in. I found the Life Cycles section of the book, where Dickson breaks down a typical lifetime into 15-year segments, to be especially informative. He rightly points out that each generation has their own unique needs. Another chapter everyone should read is the Roadblocks to Success, where the author lists common problems such as a fear of failure, a lack of confidence, and other issues. We’ve all faced these problems; Dickson shows how to overcome them.

Constance Stadler

The thematic premise of 99 Senses to Freedom by Lance Dickson is sharing the lessons a baby boomer has learned throughout life and imparting that wisdom to younger generations. The challenge is creating a relevance that overcomes formidable hurdles—disregarding the values of those who preceded your age cohort. To attract these readers, spanning Generation X to Generation Z, the author shares compelling, thoughtful, and candid commentary, often using his life as an example of the consequences of not seeking such enhanced insight. The underlying impetus is the wish to have understood these seminal concepts at a younger age and been able to make life changes accordingly.  Essentially, the book is an open examination of productive modes of thinking and acting that promote self-development, along with the means to recognize formidable barriers. Among the considerations is a multifaceted examination of freedom, the why behind the imperative of listening, the fallacy of believing in the sufficiency of knowledge to evoke change, the need for keen validation to discern opinion from foundational values, and more. There is ample guidance and support when  exploring topics that deeply tap into vulnerability, such as the meaning of unrealized dreams,

Another critical aspect of 99 Sense to Freedom is the summation of what each generation has in common and, even more importantly, how they differ. Without this understanding—such as the innate pessimism of Generation Z—productive exchanges are inherently limited. As strongly stressed, intergenerational communication rests on suspended preconceptions, evinced respect, and attentive listening—a critical skill. Compounding this innate distance is the nature of life cycles from explorative childhood to the reflective acceptance of elders at the stage of assessing life accomplishments. Beyond the intentionally provocative title—a download for less than a dollar—a choice deliberately made to attract younger readers, by the time the reader reviews the ten life rules, they will mean much, as they essentially serve as pinpoint summations of the chapters and reflect growing trust. Understanding the repercussions of having a poverty mentality, low-risk avoidance, or any other factor that prevents healthy growth or opening beneficial doors has equal value. Lance Dickson has written 99 Sense to Freedom in a way that impressively presents developmental alternatives. Throughout the book, the author makes a wealth of salient points that facilitate cross-generational connections, frequently encouraging pause to enable reflection and internalization. Achieving such an enhanced mindset sets the stage for life-changing realizations.