A Bargain with Darkness

The Shadow Bidder Series 2

Fiction - Fantasy - General
438 Pages
Reviewed on 08/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Eric Ferrar for Readers' Favorite

In A Bargain With Darkness, Peter Eliott explores a hellish landscape through the eyes and experiences of its main character, Vazeer the Lash. This tale begins in Hell’s Labyrinth after the destructive effects of the Swell Driver, a catastrophic flood. Amid the disarray left behind in Sullward, the Raving Blade appears from the shadows. This sinister villain is driven by an insatiable desire to inflict anguish on the people. Vazeer is the only one skilled enough to defeat him. Vazeer, however, is thrust into a web of lies and betrayals that he must cleverly maneuver through if he wants to stay alive. He aligns himself with a formidable assassin and former associates who would rather see him dead. Vazeer's actions might eventually propel him into the pathway of the ever-sadistic Raving Blade. All readers can do at this point is hope he does not lose himself to the same darkness he is fighting against.

Peter Eliott is a brilliant writer. His detailed character analysis and world-building will draw you into this gripping and intriguing saga. Eliott depicts Hell’s Labyrinth as a harsh and unpredictable land. The line between ally and enemy is often obscured and constantly changing in this tale. The intricately written plot binds readers in suspense from beginning to end. Eliott successfully brings his characters to life through his enigmatic storytelling. Vazeer is naturally the star of the hour. His wry and nuanced personality style adds mystery to the storyline. The numerous twists and turns, treacheries, and countless subplots will make you question who you can and cannot trust throughout the storyline. It was a pleasure watching Vazeer maneuver his way out of close encounters. Like a cat with fifty lives, Vazeer immerses readers in neverending anticipation. A Bargain With Darkness is a stunning addition to the fantasy genre. Fantasy lovers are certainly in for a treat.