A Beast Within

Fiction - Thriller - General
118 Pages
Reviewed on 09/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

A Beast Within is an action-packed thriller by Aidan Lucid. After spending the last four years in prison for armed robbery, Jeremy Pegg has had enough and is determined to live an honest life for his mother, Tamara. He gets a job as a janitor but soon realizes that people will never accept him without reservations in civil society. When Jeremy's best friend, Stephen Andrews, seeks his help on a job, Jeremy reluctantly agrees and takes part in a bank robbery with Jeremy and his Irish girlfriend, Natalie. However, things don't go according to plan, and the three robbers suddenly find themselves on the run, with law enforcement on their trail. After finding sanctuary in the home of Malcolm and Helena Boyd, Jeremy and his friends realize it's not the law they should fear but something else entirely.

A Beast Within provides thrills galore and keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The first half plays out like a crime caper, while the next half turns into a chilling supernatural slasher that will have readers biting their nails until the last page. Aidan Lucid infuses a healthy dose of action, suspense, and intrigue into the tale, in addition to a tantalizing mystery that is first hinted at in the prologue and revisited toward the end. The author also gives distinct personality traits to all the characters, and their relationship dynamics are thoroughly absorbing. The action sequences happen in short bursts and are described in vivid detail. The book isn't very long, and thriller enthusiasts may want to read it in one go. I know I did. So grab a copy and treat yourself to an action-packed ride!

Aidan Lucid

Thanks for the fantastic review. I am thrilled that you enjoyed it.

Thanks so much again!