A Future Without

50 Short Stories of What May Not Be

Fiction - Science Fiction
242 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Uri Kartoun offers fifty fascinating short stories set in 2029, exploring different hypothetical scenarios in A Future Without. Truth erodes from the collective human consciousness, leading to the downfall of many institutions, including the judiciary and the scientific field, pushing humanity to adapt. When adolescence ceases to exist, new institutions offer young adults space for personal development and self-discovery. The disappearance of rock concerts reshapes the music industry, propping up local artists, small music gatherings, and music consumption through digital media. Relationships become surprisingly genuine and authentic after everyone loses their ability to speak. As oxygen drops to dangerous levels, humans start prioritizing the natural world. The sudden disappearance of all the other planets in the solar system forces the international space community to focus their research on the nature of reality and the universe.

Building upon an exciting premise, Uri Kartoun delivers a riveting collection that highlights the flaws of humanity while celebrating its ingenious ability to adapt and thrive amid adversity. A Future Without is a poignant reminder of the resilient spirit of humans that helps us navigate seemingly overwhelming challenges and rise above them against all odds. Kartoun sought the help of ChatGPT to expand upon his concepts and used DALL-E to generate some captivating images that capture the essence of his tales. These stories touch upon some dystopian concepts yet end on an optimistic note to leave readers with hope for the future. The concepts vary wildly, but the underlying themes of unity and resilience run throughout the narrative. If you enjoy conceptual science fiction driven by theme rather than plot, this is the perfect short story collection for you.