A Horse Brought Us Here

Fiction - Womens
206 Pages
Reviewed on 05/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Christine Nguyen for Readers' Favorite

A Horse Brought Us Here by Dershie McDevitt is a novel set in Juniper, Wyoming in 1959, about teenagers growing up in what appears to be a simple and rural town in America where everyone knows each other. Childhood friends, Nella and BJ, met at their town’s local parade on Main Street when they were six. BJ is the quintessential popular girl that all the girls look up to and yearn to be. She is dating her steady boyfriend, Rob, the star quarterback football player for their high school. BJ is crowned Homecoming Queen during the biggest football game of their senior year. The jubilant festivities continue all weekend, but by Monday, news of BJ’s abrupt death by a bee sting stuns the whole town.

Author Dershie McDevitt beautifully captures the essence and spirit of small-town America in the 1950s in a well-written novel that builds tension steadily. McDevitt’s descriptions of the lives of the teenagers driving around with their friends, having slumber parties, drinking, spending time with their steady partners, and being young are vivid and convincing. I enjoyed the complex romantic relationship between BJ and her boyfriend, Rob, when the realities of impending adulthood challenge their young love. The days leading up to her death are suspenseful as the plot thickens, drawing readers further into the tragic storyline. Readers will feel the sweet nostalgia of what it must have been like living and growing up in a more innocent era in A Horse Brought Us Here.