A Light on the Horizon

Young Adult - Religious Theme
170 Pages
Reviewed on 10/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

A Light on the Horizon is a young adult drama by Philip Delizio. Jenny Scott isn't too happy when she has to leave her home, friends, and the neighborhood where she grew up since childhood because her family is moving to the East Coast. Now fourteen, Jenny arrives in the small town of Oceanview and soon realizes that everything is different here. At her new school, Jenny meets the kind-hearted Katie Miller. Jenny and Katie form a friendship, and Katie introduces Jenny to her friends in the youth group at the church they attend on Fridays. Jenny shares her love of writing stories with Katie. But not everyone is as friendly and bullies in Jenny's new school continue to make trouble. However, Jenny learns to practice empathy and compassion even with her tormentors.

A tale of faith, friendship, and community, A Light on the Horizon will delight readers of all ages. Author Philip Delizio has written a captivating coming-of-age story about a young teenager navigating a new school, bullies, and friends. It's a character-driven narrative. Jenny is a compelling protagonist young adult readers can relate to. She draws courage from her faith and support from her friends to stand up against her bullies. Yet, she never allows hate to corrupt her, and even against her tormentors, she chooses empathy and understanding to show them the error of their ways. I loved her friendship with Katie and their united stand against bullying. Overall, it's a heartwarming coming-of-age story. Although primarily targeted toward Christian readers, I think even non-Christians will find a lot to love about this book. Highly recommended!