A Man Worth Waiting For

How To Avoid a Bozo

Christian - Living
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 03/11/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Author Jackie Kendall begins her latest book, A Man Worth Waiting For, by defining a Bozo and a Boaz. Boaz was a Biblical character in the book of Ruth. A Boaz respects you and the law; he sees more than your looks, and he is willing to take on your baggage. "You can’t change a Bozo into a Boaz." "You can’t attract a Boaz until you are a Ruth."

A Bozo is a fake. Bozo defines lust as love; he sees the outer beauty and does not care for inner beauty. A Bozo runs with Bozo’s, they take advantage of women and have no respect for females or laws. A Man Worth Waiting For is an priceless book.

This should be mandatory reading for all females. The message concisely is do not settle. There are kind, loving and Christian men out there; just be patient. Kendall is a brilliant author. She presents her message in an easy-to-understand manner. Each chapter has discussion questions. This would make a great book study.


Generally speaking, I don't enjoy reading "singles" books because a lot of them tend to be dopey but this book is incredible! I read it a few months ago and within the first few pages, I knew that the words in this book would have a major impact on my life. I was reading about Boaz and Jackie (the author) says that Boaz's are out there, but I was having a hard time believing that. So I kept reading and one day while I was driving I prayed, "Lord, she says that there is a Boaz out there but you have to show him to me because I don't know any!" Almost immediately He impressed upon me, "Why don't you think that I want this for you also? You must be patient and wait on Me." Again that night it was so clear..., "Don't you know that I want this for too? We're on the same team! Trust Me."
God has used this book to change me and to help solidify that I'm worth waiting for, that's it's worth waiting for my Boaz and that God and I are on the same side! Can I get an AMEN??? :)

A. Rodrigues

Jackie's book uplifted me so mcuh and gave hope that there are still Boazes out there. I love her contrast between a Bozo and a Boaz. She makes it clear, because as women we can be deceived easily. She writes about how a man's walk needs to line up with his talk, and encourages women to keep their standards high, and don't settle for anything less. She writes about how a man needs to love you as Christ loves the church- sacrificially! Its an amazing read and I would encourage you to buy this amazing book. Its really eye opening.


I loved this book. A great follow up to Lady in Waiting. i wish I would have read it before my first marriage and I could have avoided a very sad divorce. I loved the comments from the different men quoted in the book. It's a must read for all single women who really want to do it God's way.


I recently purchased the book A MWWF and have since given away several.
Everytime I see copies, I buy them all and give them to my girlfriends
or pass on to single women.

I now know why my first two marriages failed; I chose the men. After
reading the book, I realized at one time I lacked the qualities of
godly female characters like Ruth. How could I expect a Boaz when I
was Ruth-less myself? Now that I have acquired and adapted godly
principles, it's time to quit wasting my time with Ruth-less men! I
now can get up in the morning and praise God that He gives me the
strength to wait for the real Boaz!

J. Miller

The best book I have ever read about finding a man worth marrying. When you think about the possibility of finding this man, why wouldn't a Christian girl want to wait for her Boaz? Frankly even the knight in shinning armor doesn't come up to Boaz's standards. This is a Biblicaly based book with wonderful scriptures references. It really encourages waiting not for the perfect soul mate, but for someone who you deserve. The story of Ruth and Boaz is like a fairy tale, but as Christians we can have faith it really happened and God wants to write our love story too. This book would be well suited for teenagers, and a really good discussion book for singles groups.


This is a GREAT companion book to her first one, "Lady In Waiting." If you loved L.I.W., then you will love this one. I highly recommend it!

D. Lawrence

I love this book and wish I read it sooner and younger, before I started dating. It was really great that the author provided a biblical example of a man worth waiting for as well as qualities to look for in a suitable partner for today's generation. I will recommend this book to others who are thinking of starting to date, that way they can know how to avoid a bozo!!

Michelle Renee

Jackie Kendalls' "A Man Worth Waiting For: How To Avoid A Bozo" is an uplifting book!! She speaks to all girls of all ages and helps them in their search for a man. With all the Godly principles and Bible references, Jackie touches the hearts of her readers and gives them encouragement in their relationships and in their single life!! This is an awesome book that I have recommended to many of my friends and I am going to read it again!!!

Child of God

It is no exaggeration that this book is a Must Read! Mrs. Kendall has written an excellent follow-up to "Lady in Waiting", (which also is a must read!). I want to thank God for anointing her to do this work which is much needed today. There are alot of woman who are in Jesus and still allow themselves to undergo alot of pain unnecessarily and Mrs. Kendall through her book shares with us that we will only find the completeness that we were created to desire in Jesus and not anything this earth has to offer. She backs everything up with scripture and leaves you with no doubt that you are unconditionally loved and deserve a Boaz and not a Bozo should it be God's purpose for your life to marry at all. I love the way she outlines step by step the characteristics of a Bozo and compare them to those of a Boaz so that we can use these guidelines and save alot of precious time that we should use to serve the Father and Jesus.

Deirdre Jones

I loved it so much I brought one for a friend. It was so enlightening and refreshing.

Joel H.

To begin with I should say that I'm not the typical reader in that I'm a guy, still I found this book to be a true blessing to me personally. I actually bought the book for a friend at work and got curious about it. Before I knew it I had a highlighter out marking it up. It was encouraging to me because Jackie says many things in this book that I have told my single friends (both men and women) and it is great to have a more mature source then myself to refer back to. I also found this book convicting in that it revealed areas of my life that I need to work on while at the same time giving me some new ideas.

I also enjoyed the book because Jackie is very practical in her approach. She accurately articulates high standards and gives practical criteria for evaluating whether or not they have been met. She also makes the point that all humans have flaws and the point is not to find perfection but rather a man with a progressive relationship with God.

I would strongly recommend this book to both men and women alike.