A Memoir of Perseverance and The Catholic Faith

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
163 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

A Memoir of Perseverance and The Catholic Faith by Timothy Neff Gocke is a retelling of Gocke's experiences that begin with an early education at St. Mary’s Grade School in Clarksburg, West Virginia, and carries through to his later academic and athletic achievements. Gocke spends some time discussing his initial academic struggles which he characterizes by being placed in the lowest reading group. Early incidents of mischief also pop up, such as starting a garage fire and stealing Christmas bulbs. His experiences with Catholic sacraments, including baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation, are described, alongside his role as an altar boy. Gocke shares a dedication to basketball that led to varsity and college play, and his transition to coaching. He discusses his beliefs about the afterlife, incorporating Catholic views on heaven, hell, and Purgatory, as well as his son’s near-death experience.

A Memoir of Perseverance and The Catholic Faith by Timothy Neff Gocke is a truthful and introspective look at one man's life through a lens deeply colored by his Catholic upbringing. It takes readers to a different time with Gocke’s memoir contrasting the Catholic educational system of his youth with today’s more modern standards, and gives us a glimpse into a bygone era. I found his writing to be comfortably conversational, making the book easy to absorb. I think this memoir will be embraced by readers who find value in the stories of ordinary lives and slices of life from the past. However, I believe its greatest impact may be felt by Gocke’s own family, who will likely cherish this work as a treasured family history for generations to come. By piecing together his own personal anecdotes and sharing his life on paper, Gocke leaves no question about the influence of his Catholic faith on his life’s journey.