A Miracle a Day, One Day at a Time

Hope After Traumatic Brain Injury

Non-Fiction - Autobiography
248 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite

A Miracle a Day, One Day at a Time: Hope After Traumatic Brain Injury by Dawn Corbelli recounts the family's life-changing accident, including her daughter's severe injuries and her brain trauma. The memoir begins by describing the day of the accident, which occurred on February 13, 2008. Dawn wanted to get a Valentine’s Day card for Greg and Veronica. Her daughter wanted to buy food to make a meal for a close friend whose brother had been shot and killed. But tragedy awaited them on that fateful day. Dawn offers a vivid account of the accident, even capturing the sounds and smells. Her daughter was left with life-threatening injuries, while Dawn stayed in the hospital, struggling with memory loss and physical pain. This memoir documents their journey toward healing and hope.

A Miracle a Day, One Day at a Time is an inspiring story that chronicles the author’s journey of faith, resilience, and hope. Throughout the book, the author emphasizes the importance of faith and miracles. She describes how she believes that God intervened in their lives during this traumatic event, saving them from what could have been worse. Dawn Corbelli’s ability to convey positive energy through her writing is exemplary. Despite being injured, she found ways to comfort and care for her daughter Veronica, who was struggling to survive. The author's love and devotion to her family are explored throughout the narrative. Readers will enjoy the power of human connection in the journey toward healing, and Autumn, who is like a sister to Veronica, projects a presence worthy of imitation. Readers will find powerful lessons about faith, human strength, and hope in this captivating and beautifully written memoir. The photographs complement the story and will draw readers closer to the author and her daughter.