A Parrot Tail Lily

Children - Action
38 Pages
Reviewed on 10/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Donna Parrey for Readers' Favorite

When a gardener notices a rare Parrot Tail lily growing in his garden, his enthusiasm for what this discovery might bring causes him to focus solely on the new flower to the detriment of his garden’s other lovely flowers. Author Tuula Pere weaves an important message into this children’s book, titled after its fabulous floral finding, A Parrot Tail Lily. The charming illustrations are created by Catty Flores. Together, the words and pictures transform a simple concept into a significant lesson about nature, its tendency to develop at its own pace, and the critical relationships that plants and bees share in the environment. A Parrot Tail Lily can serve as an educational resource both in schools and for parents who home-school.

Readers of A Parrot Tail Lily will be drawn into author Tuula Pere’s book on several levels. First, the storyline introduces hard-working and proud gardener, Cosmo, a character one can root for. Second, illustrator Catty Flores’s whimsical pictures delight followers with colorful but child-like images of the garden and its visitors. Expressions and postures reinforce the emotions the characters are feeling. And, third, readers will realize the danger of becoming so focused on a new obsession that one neglects other important issues, a lesson gently reinforced by Cosmo’s niece, Nelly. Pere is wise to include this thoughtful young girl as a voice of reason. Overall, A Parrot Tail Lily serves as an entertaining and educational book for kids and the adults who might read it to them.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Tuula Pere's A Parrot Tail Lily is about a gardener obsessed with a singular flower in his garden. Cosmo is a proud gardener who uses his skills to work with rare flowers. His dedication separated him from people and connected him more to his flowers. One day, he found an ultra-rare parrot tail lily in his garden. Cosmo moves all his other flowers to give this flower the best area and most nutrients. Even though Cosmo thought he was providing the lily with a safe space, the flower was without support. Before the flower reached its full magnificence, it drooped, overcome by the fertilizer and water Cosmo pushed on the plant. As his protection becomes fiercer, Cosmo unknowingly drives away anything that can make the lily happier and healthier in its solitary space.

In her story, Tuula Pere captures depression and obsession and turns them into hope and happiness. Children and adults can learn valuable lessons from this story. In our quest to protect the things we love, we may do them more harm than good. Just like the parrot tail lily, we all need support. Caregivers and educators can apply the story to friendships, as we shouldn't tend to one relationship and try to keep that person away from others. We should embrace all our connections and nourish them so we can enjoy a full garden of friendships. With vibrant and heartwarming illustrations by Catty Flores, Pere's book will bring happiness to anyone who reads it. The message from A Parrot Tail Lily will resonate with you long after you read the last page.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Sometimes it’s difficult to accept that the most beautiful or the most brilliant, in either nature or humans, is not always the most important. Everything and everyone matters equally. In Tuula Pere’s A Parrot Tail Lily, Cosmo is an avid gardener. When a rare parrot tail lily suddenly appears amongst his prized rose bushes, he tears up the roses to protect the lily, only to discover that all his destruction and rearranging was disturbing his rare treasure. As things in the garden shrivel, so does Cosmo, until his niece comes for a visit and points out: “You have often said that plants need each other – just like humans.” It takes those simple words of wisdom from his niece to set things right again.

Tuula Pere’s picture book, A Parrot Tail Lily, is a simple story with a simple message about accepting and glorifying the beauty in all living things, not just those things that are rare and seemingly exceptional. Cosmo sums up his revelation, “Don’t forget that there are other flowers in the garden. And they are just as important!” We’re all important. The plot follows Cosmo as he discovers the rare plant and then reveres it above all else until it’s smothered with his attentions and ministrations. The author presents the story like a fable, one that both teaches and entertains. The illustrations by Catty Flores are subtle and inspiring and help move the story along. This is a great story to teach young readers to accept and respect all that is around them, not just the most revered and beautiful.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

A Parrot Tail Lily by Tuula Pere is a children’s tale about Cosmo who loves his garden. He loves it so much that he talks to his plants daily and soon forgets about his friends, who stop coming to visit him. One day, he spots something strange in his garden: a rare Parrot Tail lily. Desperate to care for it and let nothing harm it, Cosmo digs up the rest of his garden, leaving the lily standing alone. In his bid to care for the lily, Cosmo neglects everything else, but his efforts are wasted. Cosmo is devastated when the lily dies. What did he do wrong? His niece puts him right, explaining that, like humans, plants need each other for survival.

A Parrot Tail Lily by Tuula Pere is a cute kids' story, but it is also educational. The illustrations by Catty Flores help tell the story so children see the consequences of neglecting everything for the sake of one thing. As a keen gardener, I already know that plants work together to survive and thrive, and this book is a great way of teaching children the same thing. But it also teaches them that humans and plants aren’t so different. Everyone needs a certain amount of attention and others around them to help them get on and thrive in life; we can’t do it alone. This is a good way for children to learn that they shouldn’t push old friends aside when a new one comes along, too. A thoroughly enjoyable book. As usual, lovely illustrations and a well-written story that I would recommend for all children and their caregivers.

Pikasho Deka

Treat yourself to a captivating illustrated tale with Tuula Pere's A Parrot Tail Lilly. Nothing brings more joy to Cosco than to work on his beloved garden, which is famous for its rare and unique flowers. Cosco is immensely proud of his flowerbeds and greenhouses. But he spent so much time in his garden that slowly he lost touch with people. One day, he notices that a rare lily bud has grown in his garden. Attempting to take care of it, Cosco becomes obsessed with it, so much so that he digs up his roses and moves them to a less prominent location in the garden. The rare lily stands alone and starts to bend toward the ground. Cosco's niece tells him to let nature take its course and reminds him that even plants need other plants to survive.

To lead a healthy and fulfilling life, we need to preserve our connection with other living creatures and nature. Tuula Pere demonstrates that with a beautiful story about a hard-working gardener who learns a gentle lesson about socializing and humans needing the support of other humans. A Parrot Tail Lily is heartfelt, moving, and hopeful. Cosco's obsession with the rare lily bud comes at the cost of him neglecting the other flowers and plants in his garden. But in time, he learns that living in solitude without any connection with others does not lead to a very productive life. I liked how he found a way to make lilies grow with the support of his other plants toward the end. Suitable for kids and older readers alike, this short story is definitely worth a read!