Adriel Peregrine

Christian - Historical Fiction
370 Pages
Reviewed on 06/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Adriel Peregrine is a work of fiction in the historical, Christian, and interpersonal drama genres. Penned by author Michael G. Tavella, the plot follows the life of its titular character, whose surname reflects his wanderer or pilgrim status. Raised with Christian teachings, Adriel strays from his faith after enduring tragic losses and serving in the Civil War. He descends into a life of vice, marked by alcohol, prostitution, and opium, wandering through the wilderness of the world. Tavella has crafted a thought-provoking exploration of faith, redemption, and the human condition that is told with bold, confident narration and a powerful sense of emotion throughout.

Adriel's journey from devout believer to lost soul captures the complexities of spiritual struggle and the consequences of straying from one's principles. The narration sticks close to him with some brilliant speech and thought presentation to allow readers to know him on a deeper level. Michael G. Tavella confronts the reader with profound questions about the nature of existence and the search for meaning in the face of adversity. Adriel's encounters with the various other characters were charming, insightful, and poignant. There is some truly dynamic dialogue that characterizes new figures immediately with unique voices and ideas, their clashing attitudes serving as a reminder of the ongoing quest for spiritual renewal and learning about ourselves through our interactions with others. The exploration of moral dilemmas and the power of grace was also a slow-burning theme that became more and more resonant, and it certainly left a lasting impression. Overall, Adriel Peregrine is a recommended read for anyone who enjoys thoughtful literary fiction and works that challenge readers to reflect on their own paths and choices in the journey of life.