
Into the Unknown

Romance - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
367 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite

In Lena Gibson’s Aftermath, Robin’s life is completely shattered when an asteroid hits the earth, leaving her to scavenge for food and care for her grandfather. They have lived together in hiding for three years, unable to trust anyone. But things change for the worse when a biker gang moves into their area. Robin and Kory never would have crossed paths. She, a sheltered and resourceful young woman, dreamed of attending Yale and using her brain. Kory, a rugged survivor from the streets of Seattle, relied on his wits. But the biker gang’s presence in town makes them forget everything and focus on their survival. Robin’s dying grandfather has asked her to seek out his extended family in South Dakota. When Kory saves her, the duo sets out on the dangerous journey to a bunker in South Dakota, facing inclement weather and ruthless survivors. They might find more than a new home through this journey in which they must learn to trust and cherish each other.

Aftermath: Into the Unknown by Lena Gibson is a compelling post-apocalyptic narrative infused with romance, humanity, and realism. The author creates a world that a catastrophic event has wrecked, yet it is immersive. The story is full of tension and suspense as Robin navigates the dangers of the outside world. The author creates a sense of unease and uncertainty as readers follow Robin in her daily routine right from the start of the narrative. This unease creates anticipation in readers as they are keen on discovering what happens next to the characters. Characterization is top-notch, and readers will enjoy the balance the author makes between Kory’s street smarts and Robin’s determination. These characters are genuinely flawed and sophisticated. This suspenseful romance delivers a beautiful treat for a wider audience.