All The Things Our Mommy Can Do

Children - Social Issues
32 Pages
Reviewed on 10/07/2024
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Author Biography

This book is inspired by the impactful work of the Department of the Air Force Women’s Initiatives Team (DAF WIT). It is a reminder that although progress has been made, there is still a journey ahead to remove barriers so that all can reach their full potential. Together, let us empower the next generation to redefine the narrative about gender, career, and family.

Samantha Arrington Sliney is a mother of three and military spouse. She is a lawyer and serves in the military. She is a champion for gender equality and equity with a focus on enhancing support and resources for women during all phases of womanhood.

Megan Biles is a PhD candidate in Philosophy with a background that includes military service, as well as academic and professional expertise in public policy and national security. She is an advocate for empowering all to reach their full potential.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

All The Things Our Mommy Can Do is a children’s picture book written by Samantha Sliney and Megan Biles, with illustrations by Dawn Price. It is a tribute to hardworking mothers who inspire others to achieve greatness. The story is narrated by various children with mothers serving in different positions. The book depicts race car drivers, brave soldiers, and lawyers. Despite being pregnant, the mothers continue their work as pilots, construction workers, and CEOs. They all do their jobs with diligence and cheer. Day and night, they work hard, making a difference in the community and growing a child in their belly. They continue to set examples and raise the standard of excellence. The book celebrates women who inspire us to dream big and achieve our goals, all while being there for their families, nurturing their children, and balancing their professional responsibilities.

All The Things Our Mommy Can Do is an inspiring book that fosters admiration and respect for mothers. It debunks the myth that pregnant women cannot work and shows their incredible strength and dedication. I loved that the story is told from a child’s point of view as it adds a heartfelt and relatable perspective, capturing the deep admiration and pride children have for their mothers. This book is not only a celebration of hardworking moms but also a motivating reminder for young readers to continue dreaming, no matter the challenges they face. The colorful illustrations enhance the narrative, making it visually engaging. This is a great gift for Mother's Day and can be shared in schools and homes to promote discussions about gender roles, motherhood, and the importance of perseverance. Overall, All The Things Our Mommy Can Do is a heartwarming tribute that empowers children to appreciate their mothers' contributions while encouraging them to pursue their dreams.