Along Came Spider

The Making of a Superhero

Children - Concept
41 Pages
Reviewed on 07/20/2024
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Author Biography

A way with words and a will to wield them, Michele L. Sayre has been writing most of her life. A lover of stories, it is the good ones that draw her attention to them and give her the push to bring them out into the world with her pen and paper or her computer.

She looks for the unusual in life and feels that quality can be found in all genres. The ones she gravitates towards the most are the spiritual, the paranormal, science fiction, action, and fantasy, but only with the realization that all these stories will end wrapped up into a touch of romance. The good things in life are always embraced with love. It is what makes the world so much more interesting and bearable and fun to write about as she sends each story off into the universe to be read and hopefully loved.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Megan Jenkins for Readers' Favorite

Along Came Spider: The Making of a Superhero by Michele L. Sayre takes readers on the journey of an ordinary elementary school boy named Alexander (Spider Monroe) who turns into a superhero. The story starts to unfold with Spider facing many external and personal challenges but, through a series of brilliant events, there is an unexpected twist. Spider sees his friend and others who need his help. Wanting to help them he begins to believe in himself and that he can assist. This is when he discovers strengths and abilities he never knew he had and starts embracing his role as a superhero. Michele's amazing descriptions and immersive world-building create a captivating backdrop for this superhero origin story, making you want to keep turning the pages from beginning to end.

Michele L. Sayre's writing shines in Along Came Spider through a satisfying well-crafted plot, perfect event timing, and how the characters engage in action sequences. She richly developed every character in the story with Spider being very compelling. The author explores resilience, the moral complexities of heroism, and self-discovery. The book is a blend of drama, suspense, and emotional depth which gives a satisfying read. Overall, Michele has written and delivered a tale that gives young readers a dynamic and inspirational story to think about and it leaves them eagerly anticipating the next book in Spider's superhero journey. They will be wondering what comes next and how Spider will grow his strengths and abilities.