An Apparently Normal Person

From Medical Mystery to Dissociative Superpower

Non-Fiction - Memoir
338 Pages
Reviewed on 06/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Raines for Readers' Favorite

In An Apparently Normal Person by Bonnie R Armstrong, a bout of weakness and exhaustion made her feel ill. Worried and afraid of what might be causing the problem, she went to a doctor who did nothing to help her. More than a year later, it happened again while Bonnie was working with the committee at school. Going to a neurologist provided no answers for her condition. With even more doctors in her life trying to figure out what was going on with her body, it was a psychologist who helped her in the long run. Finding out about the trauma she had faced in her childhood sent Bonnie reeling. Incest, molestation, and a suicide attempt made her wonder if she had gone crazy or if anything she was learning about herself and her forgotten past was real.

The inspiring story of An Apparently Normal Person is an amazing account of how Bonnie R Armstrong fought her own body and mind as her childhood trauma tried to claim control of her life; I literally could not stop reading this book. I found Bonnie's story tragic and heartbreaking in a way that made me feel connected to the author. This story will help victims of any kind of abuse learn to face their pain head-on and find a way to cope so they can move forward without feeling crazy. An Apparently Normal Person is for anyone in need of some guidance through events that have left them traumatized or for those who enjoy reading true stories of the perseverance and bravery of others who learned to move forward when the truth of their life seemed impossible to understand.